I purchased a 2020 M1 MBA and updated it to the latest MACOS Monterey 12.0.1. My 2018 MBA is running the latest version of Big Sur. When I connect an Apple Branded Thunderbolt 3 between the two machines to do a migration, the system never recognizes the Thunderbolt connection in Apple's Migration Assistant and only show a Peer-to-peer and Wifi Connection. I've tried three different brands of Thunderbolt 3 Cables with no luck. Even switch which ports the Thunderbolt 3 is connected, rebooted both machines, restarted the migration several times, yet, I could not get the two machines to migrate via the faster Thunderbolt 3 connection. It never even showed up as an option. Could this be because the 2018 Intel MBA is running Big Sur and the new 2020 M1 MBA is running Monterey? I can't imagine it has anything to do with one being an Intel processor and the other being an Apple M1 processor given that Thunderbolt is a native Intel technology.