Configuration: 2015 Macbook Air connected to a Thunderbolt Display. Attached to the display is a CalDigit TS1 docking station. Two drives attached to the dock along with some other USB devices.
Started getting occasional notifications that the drives were disconnected with being properly ejected. Also the display would occasionally go blank for a fraction of a second. This often happened multiple times then settled down and didn't happen again for days.
Switched the drives to a powered USB hub so that the CalDigit was out of the mix. No more drive disconnects but the display would still flicker some. Moved the CalDigit to an iMac and hooked a drive to it. Ran it for a few days and no disconnect or other problems. CalDigit dock seems to be fine.
Currently have Thunderbolt Display disconnected from the Air but I reconnected the CalDigit direct to the Air with the two drives connected. Only been running this way for a few hours but no errors yet. Will continue this mode for a few days to see what happens. I think that rules out the Air's TB connector as a problem.
It's my thinking that the Thunderbolt Display is going bad - either a problem with the built-in connector or something internal. Any other ideas or tests I should try? Anybody else have problems like this?
Started getting occasional notifications that the drives were disconnected with being properly ejected. Also the display would occasionally go blank for a fraction of a second. This often happened multiple times then settled down and didn't happen again for days.
Switched the drives to a powered USB hub so that the CalDigit was out of the mix. No more drive disconnects but the display would still flicker some. Moved the CalDigit to an iMac and hooked a drive to it. Ran it for a few days and no disconnect or other problems. CalDigit dock seems to be fine.
Currently have Thunderbolt Display disconnected from the Air but I reconnected the CalDigit direct to the Air with the two drives connected. Only been running this way for a few hours but no errors yet. Will continue this mode for a few days to see what happens. I think that rules out the Air's TB connector as a problem.
It's my thinking that the Thunderbolt Display is going bad - either a problem with the built-in connector or something internal. Any other ideas or tests I should try? Anybody else have problems like this?