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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 31, 2012
I'm using my new MBA M1 with a Thunderbolt monitor at home and with a LG 27" usb c at work. I like that the Thunderbolt has the built in mic and camera and better speakers. The Thunderbolt monitor is connected to the laptop with a thunderbolt 3 to 2 converter and the other is connected to the MBA power adapter to a power strip. THis seems to work as long as the computer is active but I left it plugged in this way last night and when I got up this morning the laptop battery was completely drained. I had to unplug the monitor to get it charging so that I could turn it on and then when I plug the monitor in it continues to charge.

How do I keep it charging in sleep mode even when plugged into the monitor?
Never mind, I found the power adapter was plugged into a bad outlet on the power strip.
Not sure how to tell. Says device revision 0x1 and firmware version 26.2 in the system report. I think I bought it new around 2010.
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