I got a cheap, second-hand, grotty looking "for parts" Tibook (yay, finally I got one!) and it came and it wouldn't power on. It has no HDD inside it, or a battery. When I plug it in, it lights up but it doesn't turn on. The screen looks alright, and everything is connected properly (the hinges are ironically very stable). The logic board looks fine and has no rot on it.
Do you need a battery for it to power on or is there something else wrong with it? I have spare HDDs and RAM (it seems to have RAM inside it) and it seems sound internally. Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you.
Do you need a battery for it to power on or is there something else wrong with it? I have spare HDDs and RAM (it seems to have RAM inside it) and it seems sound internally. Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you.