Absolute fud. And going to an extreme to spread unreasonable and unsubstantiated fear.My expert statement versus your non opinion and non-expertise.
I think my one is more dependable. I have a 30 year unbroken perfect track record of knowing future trends and every multi million and multi billion dollar company who has taken my advice has done better business and improved their operational efficiency and security.
You utterly rejected the world of cyber crime, malware, spyware, murdered journalists, scams that have looted billions of dollars, ransomware that has looted billions of dollars, and the cyber attacks between super powers.
When someone reject these realities, and just call it ‘fear mongering’, one can confidentially state that:
- either they are unqualified and ignorant.
- or they are professional trolls who are paid to spread misinformation and help open the doors for more cyber attacks.
The question is, when iOS allows users and developers to install signed code not present in the AppStore.
Will the cybersecurity risks increase 100%, 10%, 1% or negligible to what it already is.
Will it go from 1 attack in a million to 2 attacks in a million? Or 100 attacks in a million to 110 attacks in a million.
There is a sliding scale of reasonable fear or unreasonable fear compared to the freedoms you ether sacrificed or gained.
Edit: do you stop using your car when the security risk of you crashing increases with 1% because the air pressure dropped 0.01%?
They are so unquestionable facts not even apple have the numbers or data to support their claims in a court of law when it came to the malware exposure and problems that exist on MacOS compared to iOS.These are undeniable facts.