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Oct 10, 2011
Typical apple response. but that's exactly what I am doing I am sick of the crappy walled garden tactics of apple. I like it here because MOST, but not all are not rabid fan&@*'s. You can have a discussion most times without the "But' it's apple it's the best" comments. The alternative sections in the forums here are great and active. I love all tech but I am not a blind follower. I am not one of those if apple does it it's the best and everything else is garbage and apple does no wrong types. Imore has 90% of those types. it's only 20% those types here fortunately. I have found a couple of them though. ;)

EDIT: why should I have to put them in a folder. Apple should offer them on the app store so I can clean out the garbage I don't want on MY phone. It's not their phone. It they gave it to me, sure. I would expect that. I paid 900 bucks for it and I should be able to remove any app besides the apple app store. I agree with that one should NOT be removable.

I hope you finally find happiness with an Android phone. Godspeed on your journey!


macrumors 601
Nov 23, 2014
Ya know, with that photo of Cook, it seemed that Apple “warning” Congress meant a threat. Lol.
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Sep 27, 2013
You are misquoting him. He did not threaten that he will create repercussions.
He warned that these bills will create repercussions for the country by itself.

Yeah and when the mafia say it would be a shame if your business burned down they’re just showing an honest interest in your fire safety procedures.
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Steve Adams

Dec 16, 2020
I hope you finally find happiness with an Android phone. Godspeed on your journey!
Who knows. Maybe iOS 16 will open up a little bit and I will fire up my 11 again. But as of right now, it's not working correctly and apple said it's not the hardware. So it has to be iOS. If they let me put stuff where I want, and dock things where I want. Do some customization....maybe I will use it agian. But right now, android is the better platform.


Oct 10, 2011
Who knows. Maybe iOS 16 will open up a little bit and I will fire up my 11 again. But as of right now, it's not working correctly and apple said it's not the hardware. So it has to be iOS. If they let me put stuff where I want, and dock things where I want. Do some customization....maybe I will use it agian. But right now, android is the better platform.

Just sell your iPhone, find happiness with Android, and move on.
Boom, drama gone.


macrumors 6502a
May 10, 2017
San Francisco Bay Area
These bills will cut profits for apple...Fixt!
Nope. Apple will find a way. They will simply have to spend more money in advertising their services. Right now they only advertise their products because the services are bundled in the products. If they cant bundle it, they will simply have to advertise it.
What this will do is, remove the ecosystem that nourished this post iPhone innovation growth we have seen in the last 14 years. Apple has been providing its technologies for free to developers in exchange of getting a 30% cut. Unlike Microsoft, that charges well over $1000 per year, per developer. If Apple is not allowed to take a 30% cut, Apple will have to charge for its API's/developer tech like Microsoft, or collect data like Google(which Apple won't want to do). That will ensure only large companies will be able to develop for the platform and will not give any chance to small indie developers. Thats what these laws will do: Throw out any opportunity for any small companies to succeed. Only mighty developers like Epic, or new start ups with mighty investors, will have money to even develop an app.


macrumors 65816
Mar 2, 2011
Just like some countries without built in healthcare for their citizens, hmmm sounds familiar.

/s. <-- did some of you see this SARCASM tag?​

Yeah because everyone wants to be like Europe with gas at 7 bucks a gallon and with a VAC tax. Oh and paying for other peoples health insurance because we all now IT is all free in a rainbow, unicorn world. :)


Oct 22, 2010
I've explained in my previous post. You OCD is blocking your vision :D :D :D

Ha ha. I'm not spoiled. I just want my phone clean as possible. If I don't use the mail app or safari why should I not have the option to remove them. I'm not saying don't pre install them. Just give the option to remove what the owner does not want or need. Have apps in the app store. Your argument regarding previous platforms is a non starter too btw since previous platforms really never had a store to obtain apps just what was on them.


macrumors 65816
Jul 27, 2009
Ahhh. Gotcha. We have quality up here, but it comes at a great cost. Our 20gb shared plan is 220 bucks a month. And that's on an Employee plan from my wife who works in healthcare. The regular plan is 30 percent higher. We are getting gouged up here royally. At this point, I would gladly pay 200 bucks a month for unlimited highspeed useage as I would get a hub with a sim card and ditch my ISP all together then. But that will never happen here.
Ouch. I pay $50/month (USD) for 100gb of shared data and that's for two phones.


macrumors 6502a
May 17, 2018
That will ensure only large companies will be able to develop for the platform and will not give any chance to small indie developers. Thats what these laws will do: Throw out any opportunity for any small companies to succeed. Only mighty developers like Epic, or new start ups with mighty investors, will have money to even develop an app.
And you think Apple is not one of those large companies??? ROFL!


macrumors 6502a
Mar 21, 2007
I think he was probably telling them something most of us already know - if you like a thing don't mess with it. This is one of those "be careful what you wish for" moments because while the alternative may seem free and fair in reality the devil you know is usually better than the one you don't.
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macrumors 65816
Oct 5, 2011
Biden's new antitrust person is a young whackadoodle that goes after economics as a straw man but completely forgets that the reason we have anti-trust is not because were are religious economists but rather that companies have used monopoly power to cause consumer harm. There is no "consumer harm" consideration in the current policies and recent anti-trust litigation.

People LOVE their Apple products and love how the company is leading the world in innovation, sustainability and privacy. They are trying to f up one of the few tech company that seems to have an honest business.

If Congress wants a pet "tech" project and make the world/US a better place there are plenty to choose from including fixing Chinese product dumping and counterfeiting in hardware, reducing dependence on foreign companies(Huawei, TSMC, Samsung and LG), fixing privacy laws and use of personal information (Facebook, Google at least!), creating child protection (Prrnhub and cam shows) and enabling markets for free expression (Facebook, Twitter Reddit and Youtube at least!).
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macrumors 65816
Oct 5, 2011
You suggesting that if Ma Bell had been kept intact that we'd be better off and have better quality and prices than now? ?

Apple has a 13% market share in China where it is the 5th largest smartphone company.

They have 21% of music.

The app store represents about about $70B of the $600B market for software.

Sorry, but I see substantial competition in ALL of Apple's major markets.
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Sep 29, 2017
East Bay, CA
I have no problem with the apps Apple installs on my iPhone, I have bought other apps to supplement theirs, but I do not want to have install everything from scratch. I feel that if a company designs a highly technical electronic device, who better to design the software to run it. I definitely want Apple to test every app for flaws and malware. I have no problem with the 'Walled Garden'. They provided their developers with all the tools and instructions to create apps and they paid them billions of dollars.

Steve Adams

Dec 16, 2020
press and hold the app the select remove app - you can even remove the phone app but I guess it would be called an iPhone anymore :)
Don't work like that on mine. There are a core group of apple apps that apple will not let you remove. safari, mail, and a few others.


macrumors 6502
Jun 13, 2007
EU and China are moving in on taxing big Tech; America is the only hold-out.
well of course... what are you trying to say, these companies shouldn't pay taxes because most of their business is not made from physical devices? They all pay FAAR too little!


macrumors 68030
Apr 20, 2015
As far as I see it they can’t have it all their own way. If they want to lockdown the ecosystem and charge high prices for hardware, fine. BUT, users must have economical repair routes. These devices CAN be viable for a decade of use or more, parts and diagnostic tools should be made available to repair shops. put an end to flat repair fees of hundreds of dollars when it could simply be a blown fuse. These repair policies are the true criminal part of their business model.
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