Unless CCC is different now- I haven't used it in several years- CCC and TM are very different backup systems:
- CCC "clones" the drive in full- a complete copy of everything that can even be a bootable external if you like.
- TM backs up only your own file creations/edits and related files with an assumption that- say- macOS itself can be downloaded from Apple, your Apps can be downloaded from the App Store or reinstalled from your own backups/originals, etc. More simply, think of TM more like a system for backing up what personalizing a Mac to you... everything that makes YOUR Mac different from someone else's.
Now again, it could be different now but if CCC still works as I recall it, that would make perfect sense that it's (complete) backup results in more stored than TM's (partial) backup because the latter simply doesn't "need" to backup as much. An added consequence is that a TM backup does not become a bootable drive either.
On the other hand, if you've been backing up with TM for a good while, many copies/versions of the same files you've created/edited may be stored in there (so they can be recovered when you go back in time). This can flip the total size numbers so that a TM backup size is greater than a CCC backup. Why? Because the CCC backup has
ONE copy- the
latest version- of files you've edited while TM might have 10 or 20+ copies if you've made 10 or 20 edits to a file over time.
I wouldn't worry about this unless files you use/need are missing. If so, restore from the CCC backup for a duplicate of everything as it was when you last backed up. Else, when you restore from TM, it should restore the latest backed-up versions of your files, which could result in a net total disk space reduction (vs. TM total size) because it's not putting the 10 or 20+ older version on the restored drive too.