I know their might be threads on this but I just wanted to have people from my stand point kind of get an idea. I went to a local bestbuy to check this display out that everyone was freaking out about (including me to be 100% honest) I was generally pissed that the iPhone XR was sporting a 828p screen with 326 ppi. All I have to say is WOW! That screen is beautiful just simply beautiful. I’ve had the iPhone X for almost a year now and I’ve had every iPhone since the 4. When people say if your happy with the screen from the 6,7,8 is simply not true. This display is much nicer then say iPhone 8. To me the size is also almost perfect. Bezels are slightly chunkier then x or XS but that kind of just gets easily ignored. I can comfortably say if anything happens to my X I’m deff going to jump to the XR. Hope this helps some people on the fence about what iPhone to get. One more side not about ppi. The 10.5 iPad Pro I believe is 264 ppi and it’s still sharper then a iPhone 8 at 326 ppi, just some food for thought.