I know the OP said he wasn't going to do it, but in case he decides he may, let me tell a little story of why he shouldn't...
A person I know decided halfway through their college career they wanted to be a photographer instead of a computer programmer. This person went out and bought a lot of gear, took pictures, made money on the side, but it wasn't enough to pay back more than the minimum monthly payments.
This person also continued to spend all kinds of money he didn't have and rack up all kinds of debt since this person didn't understand fully how credit cards worked at the time. Although no payment was ever late, the payments were often minimum so this person would have been in debt for a lifetime unless this person got a better job.
Finally this person wised up and decided to do something about the debt by taking a job working in a war zone for three years in order to make enough money fast enough to eliminate all the debt, and any new debt that would come from finishing school (which would be computer science again since photography was not fun to make a living on).
If you guessed that that person was me you are correct
Please OP, unless you want to go to extremes to pay off debt, stop now. That Macbook Pro may look nice now but it will be much nicer when you buy it with money you have. It no longer becomes a guilty feeling purchase.
Pay off your debt that has the highest interest first since no matter what you pay you'll be paying a lot more on it. You may even be able to do a consolidated loan on both debt amounts that gives you a lower interest rate and combined lower payment allowing you to pay more of your debt off faster, while paying less interest (check your bank for this if it sounds good), just don't do like I did and consolidate then max out your cards again

What can I say, live an learn.
Now I only have one credit card that gets paid off in full each month and an excellent credit score.
So yea, don't get the Macbook Pro.