You guys say that, but finding my 1.5Ghz "1.42" according to what it says on the back being the secret upgrade. Still, in my search of it I searched exclusively for a 1.42Ghz in hopes that it was a 1.5. They're all insanely expensive. People were trying to sell them upwards of $200 on ebay. Now the older 1.25Ghz ones are cheaper. But I wanna know where you guys are finding your "cheap and plentiful" ones.Not worth the hassle considering how cheap and plentiful these things are.
How much are they asking? I have never seen a G4 Mini with a bad GPU, though anythings possible. It's more likely the cable or the monitor they're using. Or even a software problem. Anyways, if it is actually cheap I'd buy it.Have a chance to increase my ppc collection and found a 1.42ghz mini locally. Seller says it has a bad gpu but he didn't test beyond seeing it. Here is a screenshot. Should I avoid?
You guys say that, but finding my 1.5Ghz "1.42" according to what it says on the back being the secret upgrade. Still, in my search of it I searched exclusively for a 1.42Ghz in hopes that it was a 1.5. They're all insanely expensive. People were trying to sell them upwards of $200 on ebay. Now the older 1.25Ghz ones are cheaper. But I wanna know where you guys are finding your "cheap and plentiful" ones.
The G4 minis aren't worthwhile these days considering how inexpensive the early Intel models are becoming. With a serious issue like GPU failure, I would definitely avoid it.Have a chance to increase my ppc collection and found a 1.42ghz mini locally. Seller says it has a bad gpu but he didn't test beyond seeing it. Here is a screenshot. Should I avoid?
The G4 minis aren't worthwhile these days considering how inexpensive the early Intel models are becoming. With a serious issue like GPU failure, I would definitely avoid it.
Wouldn't the GPU be unsupported in Mac OS 9? If so, a Power Mac G4 is a much better choice for native Mac OS 9.I generally agree with your assessment, however, there are things an Intel mini won't do, such as natively running OS 9, Jaguar or Panther, i.e. depending what the OP wants [to use] it for, an Intel mini might not fit the bill.
Wouldn't the GPU be unsupported in Mac OS 9? If so, a Power Mac G4 is a much better choice for native Mac OS 9.
And it's fully accelerated, both 2D and 3D? I always thought the GeForce 4Ti is the best GPU for Mac OS 9, and the newer ones simply wouldn't be utilized properly.The mini's 9200 is working in OS 9:
Something was probably wrong with their cable or monitor. The digital signal was getting somehow interrupted.Well the seller tried with a dvi to vga, here is the result.![]()
Odd that without it the screen showed that pattern
What amedias said. Get a thin plastic wallpaper scraper and crack it open. Max the RAM if it hasn't been done already and maybe an SSD to replace the 4200rpm drive inside and you have a tidy little OS9 box that should pretty much handle all the old games on MG.
I used a Mini as my sole computer after a burglar made off with all my laptops and didn't feel the need to get another MBP for a year or two. Still one of my favourite Apple designs to this day. Much less fond of the squat aluminium redesign.
There seems to be some updating of the firmware from the 1.42GHz version, in that the 1.5GHz/1.33GHz models may support booting from GUID volumes. Whether that or any other less obvious changes under the hood breaks OS9 is something only you can find out by trying to boot the MacOS9lives CD. If it boots, you should be good to go.I got a G4 mini 1.5GHz with 64 MB (gpu ram). This mini is known as "silent upgrade" (Late 2005). But can it run modified OS9, too?