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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 10, 2013
Ok not literally, but my phone after the iOS 8 update it seems like my phone is always heating up from playing games or watching Netflix. For example playing Beach Buggy Racing it heats up a ton. I feel like its degrading my battery quicker then it has to.
Im wondering if its just my phone or a problematic issue with other users. I need your opinions before I take it in or just wait for next minor update to iOS 8. Thank you


macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2014
Ok not literally, but my phone after the iOS 8 update it seems like my phone is always heating up from playing games or watching Netflix. For example playing Beach Buggy Racing it heats up a ton. I feel like its degrading my battery quicker then it has to.
Im wondering if its just my phone or a problematic issue with other users. I need your opinions before I take it in or just wait for next minor update to iOS 8. Thank you

My opinion is to restore your 5s back to iOS 7 before Apple stops signing it.

Your 5s was built for iOS 7, keep it on there. Updating to a new operating system which was built for newer hardware (iPhone 6) is just risking lag, overheating, and battery drain problems.


macrumors 68040
Feb 25, 2014
New Zealand
My opinion is to restore your 5s back to iOS 7 before Apple stops signing it.

Your 5s was built for iOS 7, keep it on there. Updating to a new operating system which was built for newer hardware (iPhone 6) is just risking lag, overheating, and battery drain problems.

What the...


macrumors G4
Oct 31, 2009
Intentionally misleading title with a typo to boot. It's like, buy one, get one free.

Starting my day off right...thanks....


macrumors regular
Apr 4, 2008
To hot to handle...iPhone 5s

I'm using the iPhone 5 and it is also more susceptible to overheating. My battery life is also worse. I'm not sure if they are related. I've not change the way I used my phone since the update. Mostly web surfing. No games.


macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2014
What the...

Keeping your tech on the OS it was built with so it always works as perfect as the day you bought it and doesn't have the issues that usually plague updates? :eek: *gasp*

Crazy idea for the crowd that wants that new toy feeling each year I know... :rolleyes:


macrumors 68040
Feb 25, 2014
New Zealand
Keeping your tech on the OS it was built with so it doesn't have issues that usually plague updates? :eek:

Crazy idea for the crowd that wants that new toy feeling each year I know...

You shouldn't stay an an old OS. That doesn't make sense(unless iOS 8 lags for you on the iPad 2 as much has it does for me)


macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2014
You shouldn't stay an an old OS. That doesn't make sense(unless iOS 8 lags for you on the iPad 2 as much has it does for me)

I guess the concept is too advanced for you then...

Go ahead and browse the iOS 8 section, you'll find the place littered with problem threads (lag, overheating, battery drain).

Oh and make sure to tell a person who has a 4s that they should update to iOS 8, I'm sure that will do wonders for their device :rolleyes:

People that update their iOS devices thinking that it will ever improve performance are simply misinformed.


macrumors G4
Oct 31, 2009
You shouldn't stay an an old OS. That doesn't make sense(unless iOS 8 lags for you on the iPad 2 as much has it does for me)

My iPad 2 has enough stuttering and latency issues already while running iOS 7, so no way I'm updating to 8, no matter how much the little red "1" badge on the Settings icon drives me batty.


Go ahead and browse the iOS 8 section, you'll find the place littered with problem threads (lag, overheating, battery drain).

It's also filled with newbies and idiots who can neither understand all of the necessary processes running in the background when a new OS is initially installed nor fathom the possibility that one is most likely using his/her NEW phone/OS far more intensively than the previous one (b/c it's new).


macrumors 68040
Feb 25, 2014
New Zealand
My iPad 2 has enough stuttering and latency issues already while running iOS 7, so no way I'm updating to 8, no matter how much the little red "1" badge on the Settings icon drives me batty.


It's also filled with newbies and idiots who can neither understand all of the necessary processes running in the background when a new OS is initially installed nor fathom the possibility that one is most likely using his/her NEW phone/OS far more intensively than the previous one (b/c it's new).

Thank you for injecting logic in this discussion:)


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
I guess the concept is too advanced for you then...

Go ahead and browse the iOS 8 section, you'll find the place littered with problem threads (lag, overheating, battery drain).

Oh and make sure to tell a person who has a 4s that they should update to iOS 8, I'm sure that will do wonders for their device :rolleyes:

People that update their iOS devices thinking that it will ever improve performance are simply misinformed.

Please stop spreading misinformation. IOS 8 basically runs fine on the 5s. Even the blown out of proportion wifi issue is not that irritating.

Also in general IOS 8 feels snappier than IOS 7 on my 5s.


macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2014
Please stop spreading musinformation. IOS 8 basically runs fine on the 5s. Even the blown out of proportion wifi issue is not that irritating.

For your own personal opinion of experience? Perhaps.

You don't talk for everyone though, so please stop spreading misinformation.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
For your own personal opinion of experience? Perhaps.

You don't talk for everyone though, so please stop spreading misinformation.

Right and you can't speak for everyone either so please stop spreading misinformation.

If IOS was a disaster it would be front page macrumors news. As unfortunate as it is there are always those who have issues of some sort or another. This is the nature is of the beast. Like buying the most reliable car in the world and having it break down.


macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2014
Please stop spreading misinformation. IOS 8 basically runs fine on the 5s.
For your own personal opinion of experience? Perhaps.

You don't talk for everyone though, so please stop spreading misinformation.
Right and you can't speak for everyone either so please stop spreading misinformation.

You want to keep repeating the same line over and over? Fine, I can play along as long as you want :rolleyes:

You don't speak for everyone, so quit spreading misinformation.

While you might be fine with the performance on your phone, others on the forum clearly aren't happy judging by the many different threads describing issues with iOS 8 such as laginess, drop in battery life, and temperature increase.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Let me get this straight, you're saying I'm repeating myself when you do exactly the same thing? Okay then.

Unfortunately with these types of things it can never be 100%. I remember upgrading to iOS 6 and seeing my battery life tank.

However as many threads there are it pales in comparison to the total number of IOS adopters. so while thereby be "many" threads and some global bugs, it doesn't make this update a disaster by any stretch. As I acknowledged there will always be those who have issues and those who say "Steve" would not have let this happen, bring back forstall.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 10, 2013
There is 2 arguments going on here, so basically the 5s cant handle the iOS 8 update and thats why tempatures are increased on the phone or iOS 8 needs minor bugs worked out. Which ever it is, it sucks my phone seems hot when i use it playing games or watching Netflix.
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