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macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
^^^ I agree, however, the technology is already in place and it would belong to Apple, Inc., so I am pretty sure this won't change the way things are now. However, I wonder if this will change the way things could go with him behind the wheel.


macrumors newbie
Oct 21, 2008
Trinidad & Tobago
wow.. what a contribution he made! My first iPod was the very first version Nano. :) His success made life more fun for so much of us :D

*you da Man Fadell, I wish you the best*


macrumors 601
Oct 16, 2006
"Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, Bram Cohen and Bill Gates have Asperger Syndrome"

Er... strictly speaking shouldn't that be...

"Einstein, Newton HAD Asperger..."??

or even....


"Others not convinced.
Others feel that the case is weak for the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome for either scientist. "One can imagine geniuses who are socially inept and yet not remotely autistic," said Dr. Glen Elliott, a psychiatrist at the University of California at San Francisco, in an interview published by BBC News. Without Einstein or Newton here to ask, it's difficult to be certain. "

True, it should be, but also on that list are people who are alive, so its kinda complicated :D

Its impossible to be certain, its true, it just depends on what you think really.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 15, 2005
Lol yeah I'm sure that he left for "personal reasons" honestly, I'm sure Steve told him to take yet another one for the "team", gave him a pretty nice severance package and they both agree'd that it'd be for said personal reasons. The new guy from IBM even had his former employer riled up ready to sue him and Apple for taking the job over at Apple.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 6, 2006
Lol yeah I'm sure that he left for "personal reasons" honestly, I'm sure Steve told him to take yet another one for the "team", gave him a pretty nice severance package and they both agree'd that it'd be for said personal reasons. The new guy from IBM even had his former employer riled up ready to sue him and Apple for taking the job over at Apple.

Considering his wife is also leaving, and that he's staying on as advisor, did you ever consider that personal reasons might infact be personal reasons?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2005
Madison, GA
Imagine what kind of package he's leaving with, it must be one hell of a Christmas bonus! And I think that it's a little better than an iTune gift card:D


macrumors Core
Feb 9, 2008
Oh well.

I guess Apple is really moving toward flash based players, so this might be Apple's decision?


Nov 6, 2007
wow, after this press release and the one about the IBM person coming aboard, Apple stock is climbing. Glad to see apple back at the $110 mark.


Nov 6, 2007
Imagine what kind of package he's leaving with, it must be one hell of a Christmas bonus! And I think that it's a little better than an iTune gift card:D

LOL :p With the joke-sters I used to work with, there would have been several itunes giftcards given to him at the departing party - if he were at my company.

would that not be a good prank on him, tell him thanks and hand him a $5 gift card and an ipod nano. Then give him his real severance in the parking lot, just before he drives off. :p

Unfortunately, I never worked for a company that gave anyone a severance when they left on their own; only if it were a lay off and then that only equivilated to 2 months salary (or in one case, 2 months and $1000 for every year with the company - and you know the newbies were let go first so they did not have to depart with any money, most people over 5 years were terminated for "other reasons"). I was once laid off during a company buy-out, and they labelled us as terminated so they would not have to give us a severance.

I also gave my notice at a company one time and they "fired" me that day so they would not have to legally pay me my 2-week notice period. They put in the paperwork that I was being let go for "failure to fulfill my job duties".

Most people, and perspective employers, laughed as I was there for almost 8 years.

Of course the sad part was that the company I left after 8 years, was to go to a company with 1/3 higher pay. That was the company that laid me off 6 months later during the buy-out :eek: - the woes of working in the tech industry.

I do wish him and his wife the best, and he knows his priorities.


macrumors 68000
Jan 29, 2003
Mineola TX
Imagine if someone had taken the idea before Apple. No iPod and so probably no iPhone - many Mac switchers wouldn't have experienced the clean user experience of the iPod and tried a Mac. Also no iTunes so no apple TV.

Apple wouldn't be in trouble because they were having huge success with the iMac and iBook but it would be nothing like it is today without the iPod.
I've often wondered how different things would've been if Apple had gone with PANIC and their uudio software as a basis for iTunes (which was their first choice) -- over SoundJam which was their second choice.

Very Interesting Story about the whole Audio history - if you've not read it, you should. Panic is great and although they don't (publicly) bemoan their luck at not inking the Apple deal, I wish they would've gotten the shot. The Sound Jam guys, however, have done a great job. iTunes is probably my most favorite and most used program.


macrumors regular
Oct 22, 2008
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Mobile/5F136 Safari/525.20)

Best of luck to him.

Yeah he has probably done a lot for the face of the mac company I mean to be named father of the ipod


macrumors 68040
Feb 2, 2004
Pacific Northwest
He wasn't the father of the iPod.

Hell, he wasn't in-charge until Jon Rubenstein left Apple. Then Avie retired and suddenly this guy is the "Father of the iPod?"



macrumors 65816
Sep 28, 2007
These speculative articles about the 'impact' of this guy leaving are laughable and really give a sobering insight into how reliable the information is that these organizations pump out.

Take it from an insider who also knows plenty of people who were there in the beginning of the iPod, and even before that. The idea did not come from Fadell, period.

The guy was nothing more than a fast talking consultant who got lucky, somebody who is very good at taking the ideas of others and getting credit for them. I met him several times when he was 'consulting' for my company, only because our CEO was a complete moron. I could tell within 5 minutes of talking to him that he was a phony and a shyster. He is not a visionary in any way shape of form.

Losing Fadell can only be a good thing for Apple. I'd say it is a LONG time overdue.


macrumors 68040
Feb 2, 2004
Pacific Northwest
These speculative articles about the 'impact' of this guy leaving are laughable and really give a sobering insight into how reliable the information is that these organizations pump out.

Take it from an insider who also knows plenty of people who were there in the beginning of the iPod, and even before that. The idea did not come from Fadell, period.

The guy was nothing more than a fast talking consultant who got lucky, somebody who is very good at taking the ideas of others and getting credit for them. I met him several times when he was 'consulting' for my company, only because our CEO was a complete moron. I could tell within 5 minutes of talking to him that he was a phony and a shyster. He is not a visionary in any way shape of form.

Losing Fadell can only be a good thing for Apple. I'd say it is a LONG time overdue.

Having worked at NeXT and Apple, Apple by far had a Mountain of sneak thiefs who take credit for the brilliant ideas of others. I watched several of them and as an outspoken, highly critical of truth over fiction person I took heat for it.

Nothing I can stand less than a cherry picker is an arrogant cherry picker.


macrumors 6502
Jul 11, 2008
I had a look at the comments people were making on macrumors when the ipod was first introduced. most were against the iPod, funny what difference 7 years makes


macrumors 65816
Jan 4, 2008
Maybe Apple might be getting back into the pro computer business.

A long shot, I know, but you never know.


Wow, seven years of iPod. Where did the time go?

Into 2 years without a real display cinema display upgrade or Mac Pro upgrade.

Who knew?



macrumors newbie
Apr 4, 2007
"Tony's idea was to take an MP3 player, build a Napster music sale service to complement it, and build a company around it," Knauss said. "Tony had the business idea."

Knauss said Fadell left Philips and set himself up as an independent contractor to shop the idea around. Knauss said Fadell approached several companies and was turned away by all of them, except for Apple.

It seems he had (or stole) the idea while working for Philips and quit in order to sell the idea to someone else.
I guess he didn't have one of those "soul stealing" clauses in his contract with Philips that says any ideas he has while working for the company belong to the company. You know, the way Edison got patents for Tesla's inventions.

Or as Kary Mullis explained, "There are two lines at the top of a patent. One says 'inventor' and the other says 'owner'. You want your name to be on the one that says 'owner'." Mullis invented his prize-winning improvements to the polymerase chain reaction for DNA amplification and he got a Nobel prize and a $10,000 bonus from his employer, Cetus Corporation. As his employer, Cetus owned the patent which they sold to Roche Molecular Systems for $300 million.

Maybe Philips should look through their archives and review Fadell's contract.


macrumors newbie
Dec 12, 2008
God I'm sick of being quoted

Nobody ever repeats my comments on the Iraq war, global warming, or mexican food... but say 3 words about tony fadell and its in stone for life...


macrumors 65816
Sep 21, 2008
Back in 1975, I was doodling in my college notbook a concept for a pocket-sized cassette tape player with a headphone OUT jack but no speaker. "You're the only one in the world who would buy that," my classmates snickered. But it would never occur to me to sue Sony for the Walkman, a product defined more by features it lacked than features it possessed.

Now if DaVinci were alive when Sikorski "invented" the helicopter, he might have had a case.

:D I remember as a little kid being fascinated with computers and trying to picture what they'd be like in the future. My family's first computer had a 2GB hard drive, but my mom remembers me saying that I'd have one with 1,000 gigabytes "when I go to college." Well now, here I am college age, and while I don't personally have one, they do obviously exist. :D

I also distinctly remember a student in my second-grade class told me that we'd soon be able to "surf the web" on our "mobile phones". I thought he was nuts and asked why anybody would want to do that. :D :D
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