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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 2, 2016
I recently got the game I mentioned in the title. I love it so far, but it has become unbearably slow. I have to mostly play it on PC at this point. Whenever I start a new character, I can't even leave the starting map (it goes colorfully pixelated and doesn't respond).

For some perspective, I also have Pillars of Eternity, Tyranny, Shadowrun Returns, Planescape: Torment, among others, and they are able to run rather well.

Is there a fix to this? Any kind of tweaking I can do? I've disabled vsync and turn the anti-aliasing down to low, but not much has changed.

I have a mid 2010 Macbook with macOS Sierra.


macrumors 6502
Feb 10, 2008
I have a late 2012 MacBook with MacOS Sierra, but I can't run anything on it due to too low capacity of my hard drive, except Drakensang online, I just have 55 mb free capacity. have you checked Disk Utility? Your Mac is even older than mine. You have several good games running. Pillars of Eternity uses a lot of megabytes in particular, something like 95, if I remember right.

I've often thought of buying a new Mac, they have two Terabytes of hard disk space, but very expensive to buy.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 2, 2016
I have a late 2012 MacBook with MacOS Sierra, but I can't run anything on it due to too low capacity of my hard drive, except Drakensang online, I just have 55 mb free capacity. have you checked Disk Utility? Your Mac is even older than mine. You have several good games running. Pillars of Eternity uses a lot of megabytes in particular, something like 95, if I remember right.

I've often thought of buying a new Mac, they have two Terabytes of hard disk space, but very expensive to buy.

I have about 149.7 gb free on my HD. I've thought about upgrading my ram as well.
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