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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 24, 2016
Hi all.

Anyone else got this problem? I found some threads with similar problems, but no solutions :(

Sometimes my icons disappear. If I press the empty spaces they come back, but its still annoying.

Is this enough to request a replacement or a repair? It only happens sometimes.

Video unavailable. Don't know of any resolution for this, in any case. Undoubtedly a bug.
Try holding the fn (function) key (button left) for a second and see if they come back after you let go.

Haven't had the issue, but I read about this somewhere recently...
FN brings them back. but after some time the disappear again. Its kind of random when the disappear I think.
Interesting! I had heard that rebooting helps, but people were using the FN button trick to avoid constantly rebooting. It's obviously a bug.
Do you have Better Touch Tool installed? Not blaming it, just wondering...
Rebooting helps, so does the FN trick, but the problem comes back after some time. I dont have Touch Tool installed.
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