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Jul 8, 2022
Not sure where to ask this, but is anybody else still waiting on a trade-in kit?

I pre-ordered my M2 MBA on July 8th and decided to just do the Apple trade-in for my old 2016 MPB. I received the M2 on July 29th. I still haven't received the trade-in kit. I've chatted with Apple twice about it, and they told me they'd send another. Still nothing. And neither FedEx nor UPS show any deliveries coming to my house.
I've got the opposite problem. I ordered on Aug 7, delivery was made Aug 15 and received a trade-in kit a couple days later. I have another MBA which I'll be evaluating over the next few days but already have the trade-in kit tracking for that one too.

Both trade-in kits delivery via UPS.
I got my new M2 three weeks ago and am still waiting for my trade-in kit. I've done trade-ins before with no hiccups so this seems unusual. I've called customer support and allegedly there another kit on its way but we'll see.
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Sounds like we're in the same boat then.

I'll probably call again later this week. I'm just worried they'll remove the trade-in credit at some point.
Sounds like we're in the same boat then.

I'll probably call again later this week. I'm just worried they'll remove the trade-in credit at some point.
Just for reference... when I returned my first MBA at the Apple Store I got a notice in email that my trade-in was cancelled. Make sure this wasn't triggered in your case and the system thinks there's nothing else to do.
Two months later, still no trade-in kit.

I called last week. The Apple rep I spoke with said she could see multiple requests to have one sent, but wasn't sure why it's not actually being sent. She put in another request to have one sent and said if it didn't arrive, to go to the Apple Store. I did that this morning and they couldn't help either. Very frustrating. Guess I'll be giving Apple another call.

The credit was applied when I placed the order, but I'm worried at some point they'll remove it when they realize they haven't received the trade-in (though no fault of my own).
Two months later, still no trade-in kit.

I called last week. The Apple rep I spoke with said she could see multiple requests to have one sent, but wasn't sure why it's not actually being sent. She put in another request to have one sent and said if it didn't arrive, to go to the Apple Store. I did that this morning and they couldn't help either. Very frustrating. Guess I'll be giving Apple another call.

The credit was applied when I placed the order, but I'm worried at some point they'll remove it when they realize they haven't received the trade-in (though no fault of my own).
If I were you I would call Apple customer service and ask for a supervisor. Be polite and friendly. Then I would explain the situation. I would then put an ultimatum on them. I would say if I don't get a trade in box in the next week that it is on them and you should still get your credit and not need to have to return the trade in.

Explain how much time and effort you have wasted simply trying to get a return box and even going into the store with your trade in and no one could help you. I would say if I bring my trade in to an Apple store and they can't take it and you can't get a return box then what are you supposed to do? You can't keep waiting and wasting time tracking down a box that should be simple to obtain and on top of that if this process was so difficult that you are skeptical if you send it in that they will even receive it.

After all that the supervisor may just issue you the credit and you get to keep the original trade in and if not then I would press for some type of compensation for all of your time and effort. At least you might get a gift card.

Good luck!
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That's pretty much what I did.

When I went to the Apple store this morning, they did offer to give me a gift card for the MBP. Seems like it would be easier to just take the MBP, mark on the order that the trade-in had been received and everybody go on with their lives, but whatever. I declined since A.) I'd rather the credit be applied to the M2 balance (I took advantage of the Apple Card 0 percent financing) and B.) The trade-in credit for the MBP is $10 less today than it was in July. And while it's only $10, I don't think it's right I take the hit because Apple can't figure out how to send me a box.

After I posted here, I called Apple support again. After consulting with her supervisor, the rep said I had two options. 1.) Try again to have a trade-in kit sent, but since it failed the first four times, the odds aren't good for it succeeding this time. 2.) Go back to the Apple store and trade in the MPB for the gift card. When I expressed my concerns about the gift card, she said if I call Apple support again they can apply the gift card to the M2 balance. And to compensate me both for the $10 difference and for the trouble I've been through, she offered to send me a pair of Air Pods 2 at no charge. I've already got a pair of Pros, but figure I can use the AP2 at the gym.

So I've been back to the Apple store tonight to trade in the MBP for the gift card. I'll call tomorrow to have the gift card applied to the M2 balance, and hopefully that goes smoothly. The Air Pods are being prepared to ship, and hopefully - unlike the trade-in kit - they actually get sent out.

And just to keep this somewhat on topic, still love my midnight M2. No regrets getting it. I do find it ironic that the whole reason I went the trade-in route for the MBP was because I figured it'd be less of a hassle than trying to sell it. Oh well.
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That's pretty much what I did.

When I went to the Apple store this morning, they did offer to give me a gift card for the MPB. Seems like it would be easier to just take the MPB, mark on the order that the trade-in had been received and everybody go on with their lives, but whatever. I declined since A.) I'd rather the credit be applied to the M2 balance (I took advantage of the Apple Card 0 percent financing) and B.) The trade-in credit for the MPB is $10 less today than it was in July. And while it's only $10, I don't think it's right I take the hit because Apple can't figure out how to send me a box.

After I posted here, I called Apple support again. After consulting with her supervisor, the rep said I had two options. 1.) Try again to have a trade-in kit sent, but since it failed the first four times, the odds aren't good for it succeeding this time. 2.) Go back to the Apple store and trade in the MPB for the gift card. When I expressed my concerns about the gift card, she said if I call Apple support again they can apply the gift card to the M2 balance. And to compensate me both for the $10 difference and for the trouble I've been through, she offered to send me a pair of Air Pods 2 at no charge. I've already got a pair of Pros, but figure I can use the AP2 at the gym.

So I've been back to the Apple store tonight to trade in the MPB for the gift card. I'll call tomorrow to have the gift card applied to the M2 balance, and hopefully that goes smoothly. The Air Pods are being prepared to ship, and hopefully - unlike the trade-in kit - they actually get sent out.

And just to keep this somewhat on topic, still love my midnight M2. No regrets getting it. I do find it ironic that the whole reason I went the trade-in route for the MPB was because I figured it'd be less of a hassle than trying to sell it. Oh well.

Wow, what a saga. I am so sorry for all of your troubles. I hope things all work out in the end and appreciate the update!
And, of course, it didn't go smoothly.

Called last week and was initially told I can't apply a gift card to a past purchase. I voiced my displeasure and the rep took the gift card info and submitted a request to have the gift card applied to the balance on the M2. I was supposed to hear back by Monday whether that was successful, but so far nothing.

At the moment, I'm coming out ahead. Right now, the initial trade-in credit is still applied, I have the gift card after trading in the MBP at the Apple Store, and I did receive the second generation AirPods. But I suspect the initial trade-in credit will eventually be removed.

I guess I'll try to call and talk to a supervisor when I have time tomorrow, but I already feel like I've wasted a fair amount of time.
I had a similar situation. I received my M2 in July but never received the trade-in-kit. So, I started by sending an email but got an email response saying that no trade in was expected. So, I called Apple customer support two times about the subject. Both times saying they will send another box but nothing ever came and I still got the original credit. Then, on Oct 3rd-I get an email from Apple saying that my trade in complete and there is nothing more I need to do!! Wow, and the laptop is still here in my possession. The way I look at it, I tried several times to make this right including waiting on the phone long periods on time. This is on them at this point.
I had a similar situation. I received my M2 in July but never received the trade-in-kit. So, I started by sending an email but got an email response saying that no trade in was expected. So, I called Apple customer support two times about the subject. Both times saying they will send another box but nothing ever came and I still got the original credit. Then, on Oct 3rd-I get an email from Apple saying that my trade in complete and there is nothing more I need to do!! Wow, and the laptop is still here in my possession. The way I look at it, I tried several times to make this right including waiting on the phone long periods on time. This is on them at this point.
Did you do the installment plan, or have you paid off the M2?

Since it was no interest, I took the 12-month payment plan. I'm curious what happens when I pay it off.

How did you email them? I never got an email where I could reply back. I want to send them something in writing so I have it documented that I tried to make it right.
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Have you tried to sell it on your own? You might get more just selling on Craigslist. May be worth a try as you wait. My M1 MBA was appraised at $410 and I got $700 local cash sale via CL without even trying that hard.
Did you do the installment plan, or have you paid off the M2?

Since it was no interest, I took the 12-month payment plan. I'm curious what happens when I pay it off.

How did you email them? I never got an email where I could reply back. I want to send them something in writing so I have it documented that I tried to make it right.
I am doing the installment plan for the M2. I do plan to pay it off early though.

I emailed the following And they responded with saying I do not have a pending trade in and suggest I call Apple support which I did twice.
Thanks. I'll send an email and tell them since I couldn't get a trade-in kit (after asking for one five times) that I traded it in at my Apple store.

The order still shows "pending shipment" for the trade-in for me.
I really probably should have just applied the gift card to my account and then hoped for the best with the original trade-in credit. But, trying to do the right thing ...

I called (again) today. So the request from three weeks ago to apply the gift card to the balance on the M2 was denied. Apple never bothered to tell me that until I called today.

I finally did speak with a supervisor. He supposedly canceled the original trade-in. Once it processes, he said he'll be able to apply the gift card to the original order. He's supposed to follow up with me tomorrow. I'm pretty skeptical that happens. I guess we'll see.

Anybody have another way to contact Apple, preferably via email so I have it in writing? I did email the brightstarcorp, but they just told me to call Apple support.
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