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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 12, 2011
Hi all

I recently purchased a new mbp and bought an external drive to install bootcamp/windows 10 on to. While everything installed correctly and I can boot into windows from the drive, it wasn't until I started installing some programs in windows that I noticed the drive I bought was USB 3.1 gen 1 and I've noticed some degradation in speed. I was rushing at the apple store and purchased the wrong drive.

I've since bought a new Samsung T7 thunderbolt 3/USB 3.1 gen 2 SSD and I'm hoping I can just transfer the original external drive to the new external drive without having to go through and re-install everything as it took several hours babysitting the computer. Is this possible? I remember during the Windows 10 installation the installer re-formatted the drive and I'm a little concerned about the drives filesystem being incorrect. Is it just a matter of using Disk Utility to create a backup?
Use a Windows cloning utility, such as Winclone ...

(Disk Utility won't backup a Windows boot partition)
Ah this sounds just like what I need. Does drive size matter? As in, copying from a 1TB to 500G drive or vice versa? I haven't used 500G on my previous windows drive (yet). Just don't want to use a new 1TB SSD only for it to treat it as a 500Gig drive since that's what the system was originally installed on.
If you read through some of the description for Winclone - you will see that the features include both shrinking to a smaller drive, or expanding to a larger volume, using all the space on that larger volume, if you need to do that.
(Resizing is one of the main features listed!)
So, yes, size matters, but Winclone will deal with that... :cool:
WinClone is great for BootCamp migration. You will receive warning message when transferring from a big volume partition to a small one. However, you can reduce the size manually.
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