Moving from a cMP to this M1 MB Pro and was wondering about Transmission - Sometimes I have exceptionally large files sat on a drive in my cMP and wondered as I "only" have 512GB on the MacBook whether storing them on a external drive would be an issue....
Out and about I wouldn't be running Transmission at all but at home it runs 24/7 at the moment. In terms of it running 24/7 presumably I would have to leave the lid up or run something like Amphetamine ? Why would I use Amphetamine and not just leave the lid up with the display off ? Thanks.
Out and about I wouldn't be running Transmission at all but at home it runs 24/7 at the moment. In terms of it running 24/7 presumably I would have to leave the lid up or run something like Amphetamine ? Why would I use Amphetamine and not just leave the lid up with the display off ? Thanks.