I just received my Apple Watch last week as a gift, and naturally I'm wanting to get rid of my Fitbit and use this to track my steps. Unfortunately, I'm finding it extremely difficult to get an accurate, up to date step count. I've gone through the steps to calibrate everything, and that seems to have fixed the issue with the steps being drastically off, but my big concern/annoyance right now, is the fact that I can look at my watch, walk around for a few minutes, look at my watch again, and it acts like I didn't take a single step! My initial thoughts have been that it must not update in real time, and instead it only displays the updated steps after so many minutes or hours. My concern though, is that it just isn't grabbing all my steps, and that it's only picking up steps at random.
Can anyone shed some light as to how the watch counts and updates steps? I would really love to be able get real time feedback on how many steps I'm taking. Is this an issue for anyone else?
Can anyone shed some light as to how the watch counts and updates steps? I would really love to be able get real time feedback on how many steps I'm taking. Is this an issue for anyone else?