Would anyone with a current, updated High Sierra install, and the current Safari version mind checking to see if they can load the iTunes Connect website: https://itunesconnect.apple.com
I have multiple machines that are having the same problem - it shows a loading animation, then goes to a white screen, and never provides a login field. Web Inspector shows SSL errors.
Problem occurs with fresh user accounts, different ISPs, VPNs to local and other countries.
The problem does not occur with other browsers - Firefox and Edge work fine.
I need a larger sample size to falsify where the problem is occurring.
Would anyone with a current, updated High Sierra install, and the current Safari version mind checking to see if they can load the iTunes Connect website: https://itunesconnect.apple.com
I have multiple machines that are having the same problem - it shows a loading animation, then goes to a white screen, and never provides a login field. Web Inspector shows SSL errors.
Problem occurs with fresh user accounts, different ISPs, VPNs to local and other countries.
The problem does not occur with other browsers - Firefox and Edge work fine.
I need a larger sample size to falsify where the problem is occurring.