Do you like TrueTone? Is TrueTone different this generation than the 2017 iPhones?
Or would you prefer to have the option to edit the display’s settings, like some Android OEMs?
As far as I can tell, you can turn off true tone and night shift and edit your phones color curves in display accomodations.
Ditto!I like True Tone. I also use the night shift on all my devices including laptop. Makes it easier on the eyes for sure.
First thing I turned off on my iPad Pro and XS Max. It makes everything look piss yellow
Over time, I have gotten used to a warmer screen, especially at night with night shift. Turning off truetone may balance the screen as apple has intended, but I don't like the stark blue.First thing I turned off on my iPad Pro and XS Max. It makes everything look piss yellow
dont care for it, but its only a matter of time before apple forces us to use it and takes away the option.
This is a pretty silly comment but I think you already know that. What end would be served by forcing this? Oh wait, there is none but it was a (failed) Apple bashing opportunity wasn't it?
No, it isn't silly, and it's not wholly unexpected.
As an example, do you realize you don't have the ability to turn your screen up to 625 nits of brightness without having auto brightness on? Apple limits you to 500 nits if you don't use auto brightness. Spare me the "nobody needs more than 500 nits unless they are in the sun anyway", because that's not the point. The point is, Apple controls what they allow you to do. I would not be surprised one bit if they forced True Tone on us in a future update. Not one bit.
dont care for it, but its only a matter of time before apple forces us to use it and takes away the option.
True Tone is trash, and I don't understand it's existence.
With that said the screen is much more vibrant with it off. Plus, I find the auto-brightness to be so effective that it nulls and voids whatever the point of True Tone is.
Apple FINALLY got auto-brightness to be what it was intended to be after all these years.