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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 27, 2014

I recently formatted my mac and upon setting everything up I connected my iPad and iPhone to sync my photos via iTunes.
How come that only the iPhone asked if I wanted to trust this computer, whereas my iPad did not even show the prompt but connected straight away. Something to do with iCloud? I have first connected the iPhone and than the iPad.

Thanks for any potential replies


macrumors 65816
Mar 27, 2012
Sebastopol, CA
The trust this computer prompt is new in iOS 7. I would have asked if your iPad was on iOS 7, but then I realized that my iPad on iOS 7 has never asked either, so I assume that it is only on iPhones. Anyways, it is definitely normal, as it happens on new computers and a newly formatted computer fits in that category, so don't worry about it.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 27, 2014
The trust this computer prompt is new in iOS 7. I would have asked if your iPad was on iOS 7, but then I realized that my iPad on iOS 7 has never asked either, so I assume that it is only on iPhones. Anyways, it is definitely normal, as it happens on new computers and a newly formatted computer fits in that category, so don't worry about it.

That is what I thought as we'll but it does show the prompt on other computers but after I formatted my mac only the phone asked me for the prompt. Maybe the above poster is right and it's iCloud Keychain, but not sure why the iphone still prompted.
Anyway not a big deal just wondered why that is.
Thanks guys


macrumors 65816
Mar 27, 2012
Sebastopol, CA
That is what I thought as we'll but it does show the prompt on other computers but after I formatted my mac only the phone asked me for the prompt. Maybe the above poster is right and it's iCloud Keychain, but not sure why the iphone still prompted.
Anyway not a big deal just wondered why that is.
Thanks guys

Do you sync with other computers? I am pretty sure that the only time the phone will show the prompt is when you haven't synced with it, or in your case the phone doesn't think you synced with your computer after you formatted it.


macrumors 68020
Apr 7, 2014
Buffalo, NY
The trust this computer prompt is new in iOS 7. I would have asked if your iPad was on iOS 7, but then I realized that my iPad on iOS 7 has never asked either, so I assume that it is only on iPhones. Anyways, it is definitely normal, as it happens on new computers and a newly formatted computer fits in that category, so don't worry about it.

No it's not new in 7.1. It was new in 7.0.
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