Yesterday I bought an 15Pro, got a great deal on it! 😁
But I ran into some problems.
I tried to setup the 15Pro from my old 12 (iOS18). I choose to copy files from old to new.
Since my 15Pro has iOS 17.5.1 setup process first tries to update to iOS18. I can download the update and verify it, but when i press ”install” it starts with the update, the little spinning icon appears, but it seems to get stuck, nothing happens. It was like this for an hour before i stopped it.
I also tried to setup from iCloud but then I get an error message when I choose iCloud backup. Is this because backup is from iOS18 and new iPhone is iOS17?
Yesterday I bought an 15Pro, got a great deal on it! 😁
But I ran into some problems.
I tried to setup the 15Pro from my old 12 (iOS18). I choose to copy files from old to new.
Since my 15Pro has iOS 17.5.1 setup process first tries to update to iOS18. I can download the update and verify it, but when i press ”install” it starts with the update, the little spinning icon appears, but it seems to get stuck, nothing happens. It was like this for an hour before i stopped it.
I also tried to setup from iCloud but then I get an error message when I choose iCloud backup. Is this because backup is from iOS18 and new iPhone is iOS17?