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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 1, 2008
I attempted to do a Google search of this, but found nothing relevant, so I'm bringing this here.

I opened up a PDF in Preview earlier today. It's a two-page PDF, but not one with a "cover page," i.e., a single page that precedes a two-page spread. Preview appears to force this when viewing a PDF with multiple pages. As a result, the PDF I was looking at was essentially broken, as several pages with full-spread images were clipped in the center, as they were facing the wrong way. Does anyone know how to turn this off, at least for specific documents?

I tried opening up in Acrobat and saving it to browse as "two-page, facing pages" by default, but Preview ignores this. It'll open it as a two-page document, but still use a cover page. (I could just use Acrobat but Preview is much more integrated gesture-wise and is just easier for browsing.)

I'm running Lion, but I don't think this is a Lion-specific problem. Any help with this?
I had the same problem with facing pages being out of sync due to Preview incorrectly interpreting my PDF (it had a cover but there was an extra page somehow that threw everything out).

Anyway, to fix this, I went to "Edit > Insert Blank Page" near the beginning of my document and now everything lines up the way it should :)

Hope that helps!
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Well, now, this is frustrating: HybridReality's suggestion almost, but not quite, solves the problem for me. I have many two-page documents that Preview shows as two separate pages even when "Two Pages" is selected (why in God's name would it work that way? I mean, who would select "Two Page" on a two page document unless they wanted to see both pages at once?). "Edit > Insert Blank Page" does work, but it won't insert the blank page at the beginning of the document. So, if I had a document with more than three pages, I could use this to advantage, but for my two-page documents, I'm still stuck.
[doublepost=1546219819][/doublepost]Hey, I figured it out! You can select "Edit > Insert > Page from File..." and insert a second copy of the first page (from the same file). So, you have two first pages, and when you go to the second one, the two-page view kicks in, and everything is fine.
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