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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 6, 2009
Hello all,

Since jailbreaking became available for iOS 7, most of the tweak developers have updated their tweaks. I am still on iOS 6 and haven't updated any of my tweaks since then because I'm concerned that Cydia won't be able to tell that I'm on iOS 6 still and will update my tweaks to iOS 7 compatible-only versions that will not be possible to downgrade. I currently have 71 tweaks asking to be updated everytime I open Cydia, and Cydia says three of them are critical updated (even though everything seems to be continuing to work fine without those updates).

Can anyone confirm or deny whether it would be harmful to my setup to update those 71 tweaks? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Hello all,

Since jailbreaking became available for iOS 7, most of the tweak developers have updated their tweaks. I am still on iOS 6 and haven't updated any of my tweaks since then because I'm concerned that Cydia won't be able to tell that I'm on iOS 6 still and will update my tweaks to iOS 7 compatible-only versions that will not be possible to downgrade. I currently have 71 tweaks asking to be updated everytime I open Cydia, and Cydia says three of them are critical updated (even though everything seems to be continuing to work fine without those updates).

Can anyone confirm or deny whether it would be harmful to my setup to update those 71 tweaks? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Well, Cydia Substrate is fine. It's one of those deals of pay attention to what you update. I only have 3 that I've locked out and that's because one I'm sure of is for iOS 7, another is actually a downgrade and a third I am unsure about.

Most of the tweak developers though are simply releasing upgrades for iOS 7 with a new name. For instance, the new Forecast tweak upgrade was released as Forecast iOS 7. Rather obvious there.

Backup first then check things out and update. I've only had a few issues and most of those were solved through additional updates or the generosity of the users here.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 6, 2009
Well, Cydia Substrate is fine. It's one of those deals of pay attention to what you update. I only have 3 that I've locked out and that's because one I'm sure of is for iOS 7, another is actually a downgrade and a third I am unsure about.

Most of the tweak developers though are simply releasing upgrades for iOS 7 with a new name. For instance, the new Forecast tweak upgrade was released as Forecast iOS 7. Rather obvious there.

Backup first then check things out and update. I've only had a few issues and most of those were solved through additional updates or the generosity of the users here.

Once again, thank you for your help! To be honest, everything is working fine at the moment, and I really don't feeling like going through 71 upgrades to see which are safe, so I guess I'll just sit tight with what I've got.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Once again, thank you for your help! To be honest, everything is working fine at the moment, and I really don't feeling like going through 71 upgrades to see which are safe, so I guess I'll just sit tight with what I've got.
I hear you. If it's working then there's no reason to mess with it. My problem is I'm one of those kinds of people that always have to jump on an update. I've managed to burn myself a few times, but losing my jailbreak at this point is enough to keep me focused. :D

I'm fortunate that my combination of tweaks and JB apps is stable and that a lot of the upgrades/updates have been for both versions.


macrumors 601
Dec 18, 2012
If you have intentions of staying jailbroken on iOS 6, I would recommend to just not tough anything

It's working the way it is so I think it's best if you leave it like that (unless there's a tweak that has a problem and there was an update to fix it)

And it's generally not a good idea to upgrade so much at once because if there's a problem, you'll take forever to find out which tweak you upgraded that caused a problem


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 6, 2009
I hear you. If it's working then there's no reason to mess with it. My problem is I'm one of those kinds of people that always have to jump on an update. I've managed to burn myself a few times, but losing my jailbreak at this point is enough to keep me focused. :D

I'm fortunate that my combination of tweaks and JB apps is stable and that a lot of the upgrades/updates have been for both versions.

If you have intentions of staying jailbroken on iOS 6, I would recommend to just not tough anything

It's working the way it is so I think it's best if you leave it like that (unless there's a tweak that has a problem and there was an update to fix it)

Good advice from both of you guys! I agree.

It's starting to bother me a little bit now, though, because as new tweaks are released, it seems most of them are only available for iOS 7. I'd still rather be on iOS 6 any day, but I've found myself wishing I could snag a couple recently released tweaks.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
It's starting to bother me a little bit now, though, because as new tweaks are released, it seems most of them are only available for iOS 7. I'd still rather be on iOS 6 any day, but I've found myself wishing I could snag a couple recently released tweaks.
Nothing I've seen for iOS 7 only has yet made me want to move heaven and earth to get. In fact a lot of it gets derailed when I ask myself, is 99¢ or $1.99 or even $2.49 worth the hassle of everything I'd have to do to get it? Can I see myself consistently using the tweak (or app)?

So far the answer has been no.


If you have intentions of staying jailbroken on iOS 6, I would recommend to just not tough anything

It's working the way it is so I think it's best if you leave it like that (unless there's a tweak that has a problem and there was an update to fix it)

And it's generally not a good idea to upgrade so much at once because if there's a problem, you'll take forever to find out which tweak you upgraded that caused a problem
That's pretty much true. But some tweaks are mostly safe, such as Activator. I wouldn't have a few of the things I have now (some of it not supposed to be working on iOS 6) if I didn't update.

OTOH, I needed help getting back to BiteSMS 7.6.8.


macrumors 601
Dec 18, 2012
Nothing I've seen for iOS 7 only has yet made me want to move heaven and earth to get. In fact a lot of it gets derailed when I ask myself, is 99¢ or $1.99 or even $2.49 worth the hassle of everything I'd have to do to get it? Can I see myself consistently using the tweak (or app)?

So far the answer has been no.


That's pretty much true. But some tweaks are mostly safe, such as Activator. I wouldn't have a few of the things I have now (some of it not supposed to be working on iOS 6) if I didn't update.

OTOH, I needed help getting back to BiteSMS 7.6.8.

That's true but if you're not looking for anything new, I think it would be best to not update because it might change certain stuff you're using. For example, classicdock's new update with the new running apps indicator light or that the reflections don't go down the screen all the way for reasons I stated I above (running app indicator)

Oh yea, did the biteSMS team ever get back you about your question on getting 7.6.8?


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Oh yea, did the biteSMS team ever get back you about your question on getting 7.6.8?
LOL. Funny story…no.

I guess they figured it was beta so not worth a response, especially since they had moved on to 8+ already. :D
Last edited:


macrumors 68040
Jun 28, 2009
Encinitas, CA
I had an older, jailbroken 3GS I busted out the other day. Slipped in my SIM card and with an activated iPhone, began my day.

Well... CYDIA showed updates and upon opening them I see some are critical. I update all and when my iPhone rebooted noticed five more updates.

Now, THOSE are the ones that gave me trouble. I updated them and CYDIA would then not open. I'd tap the icon and it would blip for a moment and then nothing. Same with other apps.

Now, this 3GS was on 4.1 and I hated to give that up. I ended up restoring and figuring out a method to go back to 4.1 (thank you, REDSN0W!).

Lesson learned- if you're running an older jailbreak be cautious what apps/tweaks get updated!

I am now running that iPhone without a jailbreak.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 6, 2009

Sorry to bump this thread, however:

I just decided to update everything (I'm the OP), which was not a wise move. There were about 60 updates in the list. Towards the end of unpacking all those packages, Cydia crashed/froze and gave me that message "installation was interrupted you must manually run dpkg --configure -a".

I tried restarting the phone and when it came back up, it is now acting weird and a lot of things don't work properly.

I googled the error message and found multiple posts about it with instructions on how to fix it via mobile terminal, iFile, etc. but nothing has worked.

I'm kind of at a loss for what else to try so I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this for me.

The symptoms I have noticed so far are:

1. The mute switch (physical switch) no longer does anything.
2. There is a new "volume" icon in the status bar for no apparent reason.
3. When the phone is on and I plug it into a charger, it constantly connects and disconnects, endlessly.
4. When scrolling, the screen intermittenly loses track of my finger and stops scrolling. Also, button pushes don't register every so often.

So, hopefully someone can offer a suggestion or two!

Thanks in advance,

Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2010
Sorry to bump this thread, however:

I just decided to update everything (I'm the OP), which was not a wise move. There were about 60 updates in the list. Towards the end of unpacking all those packages, Cydia crashed/froze and gave me that message "installation was interrupted you must manually run dpkg --configure -a".

I tried restarting the phone and when it came back up, it is now acting weird and a lot of things don't work properly.

I googled the error message and found multiple posts about it with instructions on how to fix it via mobile terminal, iFile, etc. but nothing has worked.

I'm kind of at a loss for what else to try so I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this for me.

The symptoms I have noticed so far are:

1. The mute switch (physical switch) no longer does anything.
2. There is a new "volume" icon in the status bar for no apparent reason.
3. When the phone is on and I plug it into a charger, it constantly connects and disconnects, endlessly.
4. When scrolling, the screen intermittenly loses track of my finger and stops scrolling. Also, button pushes don't register every so often.

So, hopefully someone can offer a suggestion or two!

Thanks in advance,


Can you boot into safe mode?

If so, take note of all tweaks you have installed (screenshot or write down) then remove all of them (or at least all that are not system-essential). You could try something like iLex Rat if you are able to control your phone well enough to install and run it.

Then, when you are in a clean jailbroken state, reinstall tweaks one by one.

And, on a side note, I’ll mention that I am also staying on 6.1.2 JB, but I have had no such problem. All my tweaks are up to date. Furthermore, I use DebianSaverLaunchDaemon to make a backup of every .deb file that I install from Cydia. That way, if it turns out that an update is actually a downgrade or causes a problem, I can reinstall a previous version that worked properly.


macrumors 601
Dec 18, 2012
Sorry to bump this thread, however:

I just decided to update everything (I'm the OP), which was not a wise move. There were about 60 updates in the list. Towards the end of unpacking all those packages, Cydia crashed/froze and gave me that message "installation was interrupted you must manually run dpkg --configure -a".

I tried restarting the phone and when it came back up, it is now acting weird and a lot of things don't work properly.

I googled the error message and found multiple posts about it with instructions on how to fix it via mobile terminal, iFile, etc. but nothing has worked.

I'm kind of at a loss for what else to try so I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this for me.

The symptoms I have noticed so far are:

1. The mute switch (physical switch) no longer does anything.
2. There is a new "volume" icon in the status bar for no apparent reason.
3. When the phone is on and I plug it into a charger, it constantly connects and disconnects, endlessly.
4. When scrolling, the screen intermittenly loses track of my finger and stops scrolling. Also, button pushes don't register every so often.

So, hopefully someone can offer a suggestion or two!

Thanks in advance,


as previously said, try removing all your tweaks in safe mode and reinstall them all and hope for the best.

if that doesn't work, try semirestore or ilexrat

it is never a good idea to upgrade that many updates at once. say it did go through without crashing and now it's messing up some part of your phone, you wouldn't know which of those 60 updates could be causing that problem and to find out would be a pain


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 6, 2009
Can you boot into safe mode?

If so, take note of all tweaks you have installed (screenshot or write down) then remove all of them (or at least all that are not system-essential). You could try something like iLex Rat if you are able to control your phone well enough to install and run it.

Then, when you are in a clean jailbroken state, reinstall tweaks one by one.

And, on a side note, I’ll mention that I am also staying on 6.1.2 JB, but I have had no such problem. All my tweaks are up to date. Furthermore, I use DebianSaverLaunchDaemon to make a backup of every .deb file that I install from Cydia. That way, if it turns out that an update is actually a downgrade or causes a problem, I can reinstall a previous version that worked properly.

Thank you for the info and suggestions! I am going to try that this evening when I get home. A couple follow up questions, if you don't mind:

1. Is there a way to tell which packages are system-essential? I've accidentally uninstalled a system-essential package before and had to completely restore.

2. Should I reinstall all the system-essential packages once I'm at a clean jailbroken state? Some of the packages being updated when Cydia froze up were "essential updates" according to Cydia, and I am thinking one or more of those was only half updated or something like that, considering the very weird behavior of my phone now.

3. When I uninstall a non-system-essential package, will the preference file and/or data regarding how the given tweak/app was set up remain, or will I have to reconfigure the settings for all the tweaks after reinstalling them? I have over 100 packages installed so I am really not looking forward to having to reconfigure them all! :)

as previously said, try removing all your tweaks in safe mode and reinstall them all and hope for the best.

if that doesn't work, try semirestore or ilexrat

it is never a good idea to upgrade that many updates at once. say it did go through without crashing and now it's messing up some part of your phone, you wouldn't know which of those 60 updates could be causing that problem and to find out would be a pain

Thanks to you as well! Feel free to give me your thoughts on the questions posed in response to the quote above yours.

I will look into iLexRat and SemiRestore, as well.

And believe me, you have no idea how much of an idiot I felt like after realizing I had messed up my phone! First, I knew better than to install all those updates at once. I was just being impatient. Second, I knew better than to install those updates in the first place. I had everything working exactly as I wanted it, with no problems. Why fix what's not broken? Because, you see, us human beings are not known for our rational behavior. :)


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 6, 2009
Thank you for the info and suggestions! I am going to try that this evening when I get home. A couple follow up questions, if you don't mind:

1. Is there a way to tell which packages are system-essential? I've accidentally uninstalled a system-essential package before and had to completely restore.

2. Should I reinstall all the system-essential packages once I'm at a clean jailbroken state? Some of the packages being updated when Cydia froze up were "essential updates" according to Cydia, and I am thinking one or more of those was only half updated or something like that, considering the very weird behavior of my phone now.

3. When I uninstall a non-system-essential package, will the preference file and/or data regarding how the given tweak/app was set up remain, or will I have to reconfigure the settings for all the tweaks after reinstalling them? I have over 100 packages installed so I am really not looking forward to having to reconfigure them all! :)


Thanks to you as well! Feel free to give me your thoughts on the questions posed in response to the quote above yours.

I will look into iLexRat and SemiRestore, as well.

And believe me, you have no idea how much of an idiot I felt like after realizing I had messed up my phone! First, I knew better than to install all those updates at once. I was just being impatient. Second, I knew better than to install those updates in the first place. I had everything working exactly as I wanted it, with no problems. Why fix what's not broken? Because, you see, us human beings are not known for our rational behavior. :)

Well I am exceedingly happy to report that all is well with my iPhone. I uninstalled all the apps/tweaks I had installed, left all the system stuff and a few others, "reinstalled" the ones that I had left on the phone and then reinstalled the ones I had actually deleted. And the phone is back to working perfectly again. And all my tweaks are up to date.

To answer my questions:

1. Yes.
2. It probably helped.
3. They stay. Thank you, Jebus!

I looked into the iLexRAT thing, etc., but I didn't want to be dependent on another app to do the job correctly when I could just do it manually. And, due to a bit of a language barrier, the iLexRAT website and video is kind of unclear about whether or not it resets your entire Cydia "apps" AND Apple Appstore apps.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2010
Glad it worked out for you.

I have not used iLexRat, but my understanding is that it puts your phone into a “clean” state, removing all apps, tweaks, settings, etc. The sort of thing one might want to do before selling a jailbroken phone.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 6, 2009
Glad it worked out for you.

I have not used iLexRat, but my understanding is that it puts your phone into a “clean” state, removing all apps, tweaks, settings, etc. The sort of thing one might want to do before selling a jailbroken phone.

Yeah, that's what it was looking like. I'm glad I didn't do that, then. That would have tacked on another couple hours to the whole ordeal!
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