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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 17, 2012

Before i did this i thought it best to ask the question here.

Basically i have two huge iTunes libraries. One for official music, the other for unofficial stuff. Both of these libraries have their own separate external hard drives.

For one of the libraries i have Time machine backing it up using a 3rd external hard drive. What i need to do is add a 4th external hard drive to back up the other library using the same Mac and same Time Machine. Can this be done does anybody know? Im on 10.6.8 so quite old but its fine for what i need.

Many thanks.

Before i did this i thought it best to ask the question here.

Basically i have two huge iTunes libraries. One for official music, the other for unofficial stuff. Both of these libraries have their own separate external hard drives.

For one of the libraries i have Time machine backing it up using a 3rd external hard drive. What i need to do is add a 4th external hard drive to back up the other library using the same Mac and same Time Machine. Can this be done does anybody know? Im on 10.6.8 so quite old but its fine for what i need.

Many thanks.

I've read an article where someone posted how to do it. Don't recall where it was. Not a simple approach.

I'd go with either CCC or SuperDuper and schedule the backup, for both.
You can alternate Time Machine backups on 2 different drives.

But you cannot select different set of files or drives to backup to those 2 different Time Machine backups.
Thats what the OP wanted. Pls read OP first before posting.

I use Chronosync for this purpose. It lets you create dedicated backup Jobs where you can specify in detail which files, directories etc you want to backup to what backup location.
You can even trigger a backup when you connect a specific disk.
Very powerful.
Yeah just about any third party backup app will do that, the standard here for home use has been CCC or Superduper.
Yeah just about any third party backup app will do that, the standard here for home use has been CCC or Superduper.

This is in the eye of the beholder! So let the OP decide and don't postulate "standards" where there are none!

I have used all three of them for your info.
So have I and I am not postulating. Perhaps a miss-understanding. Standard by that most here use/choose/prefer them, not that there is a standards board :)
Time Machine is good in that it got the average user backing up, but it's pretty inflexible.

If you want multiple backup sets, maybe take a look at CrashPlan. It allows you to configure backups based on destination. For instance, I can tell it to only do my home folder to their cloud service, but a complete backup to my local PC.

CrashPlan Pro costs money and includes unlimited storage to their cloud, but CrashPlan also has a free tier that lets you backup to external hard drives, local PC's or a friend's/relative's computer.
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