I got an iMac 2017 27 " w/ 2 TB fusion drive and an iMac 2019 27"w/2TB fusion drive. 2017 is on High Sierra 2019 on Mojave. I wonder why 2019 has HDD sound heard in silent environment but 2017 has no sound at all. Any explanation?
Maybe different models?No, They both are Seagate 2 TB HDDs.
I know it is not important but still wondering why there is a difference between 2 disks.
I wouldn't say that it is not important.
It could be a sign of trouble in the future.
I wonder if the 2019s have less sound deadening material that would cause the sound to be different?
Other thing that 2017 iMac has 70 GB data and this fits right on to 128 GB SSD so maybe only SSD is working. That's why I don't hear any disk sound.
Nope, no sound at all.