but since I work from home most of the time I would love the larger screen of an iMac.
@ChrisChaval said - adding an external display to your MBP is something to consider. Deluxe option would be the LG/Apple Ultrafine 5k that would charge your MBP and act as a dock for a few USB devices - but almost any display will work with the appropriate adapter cable so you don't have to pay that much.
I find it works best if you also get an external keyboard and mouse or trackpad so you can use the external as your main display - and either keep the MBP shut or put it on an elevator stand to act as a small, second display. I'd find that extra attractive given the keyboard on the new MBP.
Things to consider:
Is all your software licensed for use on two computers? App store stuff is usually fine, but you may have to buy second copies or upgrade subscriptions for other software (e.g. MS Office).
How hard will it be to 'sync' your work between two computers? This might vary from trivial if you do everything in iCloud/DropBox/Google Drive/whatever to a bit of a pain if (e.g.) you're doing development and not everything is in nice, self-contained documents. Nothing insurmountable, but being able to unplug your laptop and go is the most convenient option.
Do you need a back-up computer? If your work will grind to a halt if your computer fails then owning
two computers might be sensible.
What sort of display would you prefer? With an iMac, you've got two (admittedly very good) options, but with an external you have a huge choice of screen sizes, ultra wide, matte screen, glossy screen, integrated TV etc.
Do you have other devices? Most 3rd-party external displays have multiple DisplayPort, HDMI and maybe other inputs, so you can plug in your PC, XBox, Raspberry PI, Apple TV, ancient Mac Mini etc. The limitation with iMacs is that you can't display anything else on them.