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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 20, 2009
New York, NY
I have the Showtime app on my Apple TV which integrates into the TV feature for up next, etc. I upgraded the software to TVOS 12.3 and went into the TV application. It didn’t show Showtime and asked me to subscribed. I was sure once I went through the prompts it would recognize that I already had a Showtime subscription through the App Store but it didn’t and now I have two Showtime subscriptions listed. One is called “Showtime” and the other is called “Showtime for Apple TV.”
What is going on?


macrumors 65816
Nov 26, 2006
This is the non-intuitive part of the TV app. It doesn't pick up if you already subscribe to a service such as Showtime or HBO through iTunes.

if you want to subscribe to the Showtime Channel, you'll need to cancel the existing sub to the service, subscribe through the TV app, and disconnect the Showtime app from the TV app in Settings > Apps > TV.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 20, 2009
New York, NY
This is the non-intuitive part of the TV app. It doesn't pick up if you already subscribe to a service such as Showtime or HBO through iTunes.

if you want to subscribe to the Showtime Channel, you'll need to cancel the existing sub to the service, subscribe through the TV app, and disconnect the Showtime app from the TV app in Settings > Apps > TV.
Wow. That is crazy complicated.
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