Greetings everyone!
Over the past years I have used a Mac G5 as a secondary computer and this forum has helped me a lot, but the information is scattered in the endless threads and comments, so my idea was to collect every useful information from all the scattered threads and comments and make an ultimate helping guide for everyone.
First i wanted to start the list with the PCIe macs (because i have a Quad and a DC 2.3 GHz) and then expand it to all earlier models with AGP slots. I don't know much about AGP models, so i will need a lot of help (if someone is willing to).
In the future I will edit the first post and make it a complete wiki (as i gather more information) and adjust it for better reading.
My list idea:
Software - The latest/last version of software that Leopard supports
Hardware - Complete list with all G5 supported hardware
Command lines - OF & Terminal commands that are useful
Full repair guide - example; a malfunctioning G5 Quad LCS disassembly & repair guide
Down below are PDFs of the hardware and software list that i made for now. It is not complete and newer revisions will be added as the time goes and more things get added.
Also wanted to add a Linux hardware and software list (not including stuff from the PowerPC Linux Wiki or other wikis), so that everyone can know what works and what not.
This type of wiki can be also expanded, and others can make a complete G4 thread (example; MMD, PowerBook, iMac, Mac mini info).
Please tell me what do you think of this idea!
Best regards, Nikola!
Over the past years I have used a Mac G5 as a secondary computer and this forum has helped me a lot, but the information is scattered in the endless threads and comments, so my idea was to collect every useful information from all the scattered threads and comments and make an ultimate helping guide for everyone.
First i wanted to start the list with the PCIe macs (because i have a Quad and a DC 2.3 GHz) and then expand it to all earlier models with AGP slots. I don't know much about AGP models, so i will need a lot of help (if someone is willing to).
In the future I will edit the first post and make it a complete wiki (as i gather more information) and adjust it for better reading.
My list idea:
Software - The latest/last version of software that Leopard supports
Hardware - Complete list with all G5 supported hardware
Command lines - OF & Terminal commands that are useful
Full repair guide - example; a malfunctioning G5 Quad LCS disassembly & repair guide
Down below are PDFs of the hardware and software list that i made for now. It is not complete and newer revisions will be added as the time goes and more things get added.
Also wanted to add a Linux hardware and software list (not including stuff from the PowerPC Linux Wiki or other wikis), so that everyone can know what works and what not.
This type of wiki can be also expanded, and others can make a complete G4 thread (example; MMD, PowerBook, iMac, Mac mini info).
Please tell me what do you think of this idea!
Best regards, Nikola!