I recently traded my iPhone SE2 for a used iPhone 13 and have to say I've been completely underwhelmed by the quality of the ultra-wide-angle lens. Aside from the fact I'd much rather the basic iPhone 13 came with a tele lens instead of the ultra-wide-angle, I've been disappointed by just how crap it is. The edges of the image suffer from not only truly awful trapezoid distortion, but they are noticeably 'unsharp' when you zoom in to detail.
I get that physics imposes its own constraints when the sensor is the size of a gnat's toenail and the focal length of the lens is 13mm, but i'm questioning what the actual point of it is when the quality is fundamentally unusable.
(EDIT: However the thing is opinions vary and what I find fundamentally unusable may be 100% fine for the next person. So there's that.)
I get that physics imposes its own constraints when the sensor is the size of a gnat's toenail and the focal length of the lens is 13mm, but i'm questioning what the actual point of it is when the quality is fundamentally unusable.
(EDIT: However the thing is opinions vary and what I find fundamentally unusable may be 100% fine for the next person. So there's that.)
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