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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 13, 2007
I can't find it anywhere on my mac (it's not in the sidebar, it's not in apps, etc), and when I install it on my windows laptop, I can't find it anywhere on there either (same deal - I searched). Yet it shows up in my windows program list... I can't find any documentation about it online! This is insane... what am I missing?


macrumors 68040
Jun 23, 2003
Durham, NC
Bonjour isn't a program, per se. It's a service. It facilitates other things working, like iTunes music sharing, Bonjour chat in iChat (local chat with no central server needed), printer sharing, and such.


macrumors 604
Jan 21, 2002
Langley, Washington
It just works. There is nothing to turn on. What are you wanting to use it for? File Sharing? Then you still have to turn on File Sharing in the Sharing Preferences or the Network Control Pannel.



macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 13, 2007
File sharing is turned on already. Ok - so it's invisible... how do I get it to work on vista though? I want to exchange files between computers. I probably spent 20 mins flipping through every possible place where I could configure something - I saw nothing.

Mac Fly (film)

macrumors 68020
Feb 12, 2006
Yeah there's no settings for it, it just works.

If you are trying to get an app like Air Video working on your iPad or iPhone and are receiving bonjour errors, try restarting the Air Video Server on your Mac. I know that's why I ended up here, and doing that worked.

Paul A

macrumors newbie
Oct 22, 2009
U.S.A. & Brasil
It just works. There is nothing to turn on. What are you wanting to use it for? File Sharing? Then you still have to turn on File Sharing in the Sharing Preferences or the Network Control Pannel.


For me it doesn't "just work." I'm trying to set up my printer. I saw Bonjour once before, and used it to set up a wireless printer profile. But I had to delete that printer profile because it stopped working. Now I can't find it anywhere. Btw, in System Prefs>Sharing, I clicked to share printers.

[MBP running 10.8.5]


macrumors newbie
Mar 10, 2014
Tip for Paul A

For me it doesn't "just work." I'm trying to set up my printer. I saw Bonjour once before, and used it to set up a wireless printer profile. But I had to delete that printer profile because it stopped working. Now I can't find it anywhere. Btw, in System Prefs>Sharing, I clicked to share printers.

[MBP running 10.8.5]

Paul ... not sure if it is applicable in your case .. I had the same issue ... Then I remembered I had reset my Apple ID on line recently but had not updated AIRPORT. Once I reset the ID in Airport, I restarted my printer; then my MBP; then System Preferences - Printers and Scanners - Plus sign in lower left corner and MY HP printer was available and updated automatically ... (PS I could not start (OR EVEN FIND) Bonjour any other way)... Hope this helps someone ...


macrumors newbie
Sep 26, 2014
i wanna use itunes home sharing
i can see my itunes playlist from iphone
but my itunes wont show shared libraries
i thought Bonjour might be the reason but there is no way to turn on


Jan 23, 2010
San Diego, CA USA
My guess is that the firewall on your Windows box is turned on. That could be blocking the services you want. Maybe try turning off the firewall on your Windows box.
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