Hi, I was away from coding for a long time, just now getting back to it with XC 7.3.1, and I've googled
but I can't find an answer that works for this error.
The file "MainMenu.xib" gets copied, (along with other xibs) to the product's package, inside Resources then in Base.lproj/
And I've tried copying it "up" to just Resources, it doesn't matter.
In the General Settings of the project, the "Main Interface" field says "MainMenu". If I try to add ".xib" to that, XC wipes the suffix off it and it stays "MainMenu".
Any clue appreciated, thx,
but I can't find an answer that works for this error.
The file "MainMenu.xib" gets copied, (along with other xibs) to the product's package, inside Resources then in Base.lproj/
And I've tried copying it "up" to just Resources, it doesn't matter.
In the General Settings of the project, the "Main Interface" field says "MainMenu". If I try to add ".xib" to that, XC wipes the suffix off it and it stays "MainMenu".
Any clue appreciated, thx,