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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 4, 2013
Whilst messing around with OCLP and dosdude patchers I made an observation that left me confused (not unusual tbh kinda my default state)

Hers what I did, lots.

1. Boot into Recovery Mode.
2. Disable SIP (csrutil disable)
3. Reboot into El Cap
4. Check SIP status

Last login: Tue Mar 21 15:15:15 on console
Restored session: Tue Mar 21 15:12:50 PDT 2023
MYMAC:~ admin$ csrutil status
System Integrity Protection status: enabled (Custom Configuration).

Apple Internal: disabled
Kext Signing: disabled
Filesystem Protections: disabled
Debugging Restrictions: enabled
DTrace Restrictions: enabled
NVRAM Protections: enabled

I would have expected all options to be disabled. Does this look correct? I would have expected

System Integrity Protection status: disabled

What stands out to me is the NVRAM Protections are still on.
Could this be messing up my ability to carry out a successful patched install?

Also, does an NVRAM reset wipe out/restore/default any SIP setting I may have made?

Just trying to broaden my understanding a small chunk at a time
"Cannot Disable SIP in recoveryOS
With OCLP, the patcher will always overwrite the current SIP value on boot to ensure that users don't brick an installation after an NVRAM reset."
Thanks bogdan

Okay, so do I need to uninstall the OCLP app then if it’s interfering. I’m not using OC, gave up on it after 3 days of banging my head. If I want to restore normal (sic) SIP behavior
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