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Kamera RAWr

macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 15, 2007
Sitting on a rig somewhere
I just want to start off by stating what others already have, the MR forum search leaves a heck of a lot to be desired. Or perhaps I just don't know how to use it properly. Anyway, I read a bit here and there in different threads about evaluating a pictures' exposure via the histogram or at least that impression of what it says. Could the experienced of you out there help me understand it a little better than my meager understanding? I'm sure others would benefit as well. BTW, if there's already been a thread on this, you can just ignore this one and send me a link :D


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
What do you mean? The left side of the histogram is completely black, the far right is white.

As to how a histogram should look: That depends on what you're photographing. Look at what you're photographing, and ask yourself what the exposure should be? If there are lots of things in a photo that should be white or brightly exposed, then there's going to be a lot of pixels on the right.

If you're taking a photo of something dark, and you're hoping to get a silhouette of a person or something, then expect a lot of "black" photos.
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