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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 29, 2002
Eastern seaboard
I've used Dataman to monitor my data usage the last few months on my iPhone 5s and it has always nearly counted like AT&T's meter. However, with iOS8 it is showing i've used 1.57gb for the month and AT&T's meter is showing i've used 1.8gb. I've also been a victim of the slow wifi.

Maybe Dataman has a bug -- i'll reset my iOS usage stats next cycle and see how my phone counts the data usage.

Is anyone else running into this problem?


macrumors 68000
Jun 12, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
not here but i dont have any wifi issues never did, a guess is at times ur device is off the wifi & using cellular but why dataman & at&t dont agree idk, part of why i dont use 3rd party data apps plus they need to run in the background to be semi accurate..ill believe at&t over a 3rd party app any time. whats wrong with using ios data reporting.? thats always been accurate to me


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 29, 2002
Eastern seaboard
not here but i dont have any wifi issues never did, a guess is at times ur device is off the wifi & using cellular but why dataman & at&t dont agree idk, part of why i dont use 3rd party data apps plus they need to run in the background to be semi accurate..ill believe at&t over a 3rd party app any time. whats wrong with using ios data reporting.? thats always been accurate to me

Dataman has been completely accurate for months. The advantage it had for me was that I didn't have to remember to reset my iOS data report every single month.
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