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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 22, 2021
I want to copy an internal Fusion Drive to an external LaCie with all partitions. I started from the boot stick and called up the terminal.
With “diskutil list” I got an overview of the partitions and drives. I see 3 partitions on the internal disk and my two external drives (LaCie + boot stick).
The names are disk0 to disk5; the external drives are disk0 and disk5.

I started the copying process via the terminal with
dd if=/dev/disk3 of=/dev/disk0 conv=noerror,sync

My problem
The Mac and the external drive go into standby mode after what feels like 5 minutes during the copying process. My questions:
1. Restarts the copying process when I switch to standby mode by pressing the space bar and the mouse or
2. It will continue where it left off before the standby mode and
3. How can I see what has been copied so far?

Thank you in advance.
1. Disable standby.
2. You can't directly with MacOS version of dd. The HomeBrew equivalent (installable with brew install coreutils), which you will call with sudo gdd responds to status=progress as linux versions do.
3. If you don't want to install coreutils, install pv brew install pv and pipe dd through it:
sudo dd if=/dev/rdiskX bs=1m | pv -s 1000G | sudo dd of=/dev/rdiskY bs=1m
note - 1000G is the size of the source disk, so pv shows nice percentage of job completed.
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TY I'll try it
Info: I got a fail if i bring in the „bs=1M“ i deleted that command; and the ”rdisk“ command failed too it works with just „disk“ fine
If you don't do bs=1M then dd is really slow.

Maybe try (after installing it)
ddrescue source destination mapfile.txt
You can stop it any time and continue where it left off. The mapfile.txt keeps track of progress and bad blocks.
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