There were some problems with my jailbroken iPhone 6(first Cydia wouldn't open unless in safe mode and then the next day phone kept crashing upon unlock,i did try deleting the last 5 tweaks I had downloaded but nothing happened) and I had to delete Cydia substrate, now when I try reinstalling Cydia substrate the TaiG jailbreak tweak thing automatically comes into the remove part of the queue, and even if I press continue and try installing substrate alongside the TaiG remove package it shows red text when it tries doing the task of removing the TaiG tweak. But I still have ifile and icleaner for some reason. So if there's nothing else to do I was wondering if restoring to iOS 8.4 was an option with me being on it(even though I know they've stopped signing it). I've already tried what others have tried helping me to do like trying Cydia impactor, which couldn't even be downloaded due to it not allowing anything to be downloaded, I've tried rejailbreaking which did nothing and tried installing deb. Files of cydia substrate/impactor which also did nothing. Please someone help me,i really don't like being stuck in this semi jailbroken state.