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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 12, 2011
Should I update my iPhone 4s to iOS 7.1? I am currently running iOS 7.0.6. My only complain about iOS 7 is that its slow so will this update fix this?


macrumors 68040
Apr 11, 2013
Washington D.C.
Should I update my iPhone 4s to iOS 7.1? I am currently running iOS 7.0.6. My only complain about iOS 7 is that its slow so will this update fix this?

It should help with the speed a bit. Your phone is still going to stutter a bit with iOS 7 because apparently the 4S can't handle it too well (based on my own personal observation of my friend's 4s') but it'll help. The animations by themselves are sped up a lot so that's a huge benefit by itself.


macrumors 68040
Oct 22, 2011
Newcastle, England.
Should I update my iPhone 4s to iOS 7.1? I am currently running iOS 7.0.6. My only complain about iOS 7 is that its slow so will this update fix this?

I have it on my 4S. It's much quicker. But I didn't experience any issues with iOS 7. Animations were smooth and it didn't crash etc.

The 4S is more than capable of running iOS 7.


macrumors 68040
Sep 10, 2013
Should I update my iPhone 4s to iOS 7.1? I am currently running iOS 7.0.6. My only complain about iOS 7 is that its slow so will this update fix this?

iOS 7.0 is awfully slow. 7.1 is much better. If you were on 6.1, that'd be different. You'll like 7.1 for its responsiveness on the 4S.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
iOS 7.0 is awfully slow. 7.1 is much better. If you were on 6.1, that'd be different. You'll like 7.1 for its responsiveness on the 4S.

I have reduce motion toggled off due to the lousy app opening & closing animations and can't see any difference in speed with 7.1
The UI on 7.0.6 is much better for me, so too the control of location services. As with a heck of a lot of updates these days, I would stick with what you're on.


macrumors 68000
Oct 11, 2011
I have reduce motion toggled off due to the lousy app opening & closing animations and can't see any difference in speed with 7.1
The UI on 7.0.6 is much better for me, so too the control of location services. As with a heck of a lot of updates these days, I would stick with what you're on.

7.1 is MUCH more stable than 7.0.6.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
7.1 is MUCH more stable than 7.0.6.

It comes with bugs which 7.0.6 didn't have though. Safari is more stable but that's about it. Even then, it still isn't 'fixed'.
Overall, for me at least, 7.1 is every bit as much of a disappointment as 7.0


macrumors 68040
Jan 28, 2008
Vancouver, BC
It comes with bugs which 7.0.6 didn't have though. Safari is more stable but that's about it. Even then, it still isn't 'fixed'.
Overall, for me at least, 7.1 is every bit as much of a disappointment as 7.0

i dont know what planet you're on but how can this statement possibly be true?


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
i dont know what planet you're on but how can this statement possibly be true?

7.0 disappointed me and, after waiting six whole months for a magic update to my woes, 7.1 disappointed me too. That isn't to say that it isn't in some respects better than 7.0.6, merely that it's just as much of a disappointment overall.


macrumors regular
Oct 29, 2013
iOS 7.1 on my iPhone 4s is much more responsive than 7.06. Never had an issue during or post upgrade. My battery life seems to have improved after a battery calibration on iOS 7.1 also. Happier with 7.1, best iOS 7.xx yet. :cool:
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