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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 7, 2011
greater L.A. area
I just updated from Monterey to the latest Sonoma (14.6.1) and now:

- my classic Mac QWERTY keyboard (USB) no longer works. Weird is, the classic mouse connected via the keyboard still works.

- my Sonnettech Echo 20 dock now connects via USB4, instead of Thunderbolt

- I can no longer find how to switch the F1-F12 keys back and forth to classic "function" mode

From a perfunctory google search I gather the USB keyboard issue is a known one, for which there doesn't seem to be an apparent fix. Anybody else here encounter this and figured out solutions or workarounds? Thanks.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
This is just another "Fishrrman stupid question":
(I ask a lot of them)

Can you get into the keyboard settings (using only the mouse), and try to "add" another keyboard?
Does attempting to do so, "show" the keyboard in the settings pane?

By "classic Mac"... this is an old Apple keyboard that goes back to the PowerPC days?
(might have one myself up in the attic, still have ADB keyboards, too!)

One would think that "USB is... USB".
But along the way, something got changed...


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 7, 2011
greater L.A. area
Nah, there is a 'Set Up Keyboard' tab, but that one goes straight to Bluetooth menu.

My "classic" keyboard is the one that came with my cheese grater MacPro (4,1).

There is talk about this on Apple's own support communities, apparently this could be intentional, and no fix will be forthcoming.

I think the idea is we all ditch our legacy peripherals and buy the bluetooth ones.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 7, 2011
greater L.A. area
My wife had a Logitech MX keys lying around and not using it and that has solved my immediate problem, not being able to use the MBP in clamshell mode.

I also have the F1-12 keys as oldskool function keys now, this was in the Keyboard Shortcuts submenu.

One puzzle remaining, how to switch the Echo 20 dock back to Thunderbolt rather than USB4...
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