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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 15, 2013
My iPad 2 (GSM model) has been with 4.3.3 (jailbroken) for a long time, until recently there is a need for upgrade. And since I need it to be jailbroken after the upgrading, 6.1.2 seems to be the highest I can get, since 6.1.3 is not jailbreakable. (Please correct me if 6.1.3 can be jailbroken.)

I started upgrading process today. After half a day's effort, of which most of the time was spent in internet research, I found myself not far away from the position before I started the upgrading process - nothing has been done and I don't know what to do.

My first question is about my understanding. All the web pages I have come across suggest that I can upgrade to 6.1.2 or earlier versions only if I have a saved 4.x SHSH blob. Is my understanding correct?

I *do* have saved 4.x SHSH blobs. Actually, I have saved them multiple times, for multiple versions, with multiple tools - Before today, I've saved them at least twice, each time multiple versions were saved; I've saved 4.3.3, 4.3.4 & 4.3.5; They were saved with TinyUmbrella and iSHSH*t. I also save them again today with TinyUmbrella and iFaith. So I've got 4 collections of 4.x SHSH blobs, each with multiple versions. However, there is one problem. None of the aforementioned 4.x SHSH blobs was verified valid with redsn0w (reporting "APTicket missing") and iFaith (reporting "not supported"). So I supposed that none of my blobs is valid. However, I found some web page saying "As of iOS 5, SHSH blobs require an APTicket to be valid.". So now I'm guessing that the SHSH blobs might still be valid even though neither of the two tools reports them valid. Is my understanding correct? In other words, can I use these SHSH blobs to upgrade my iPad 2 to 6.1.2 or an earlier version?

My last question is about how to upgrade my device to 6.1.2 or an earlier version with blobs, assuming at least one of my 4.x blobs is valid. What tool(s) can be used and how? I tried Restore functionality of redsn0w. It was stuck at the stage that it asked me to manually get my device into DFU mode because I failed to get it into DFU mode after many times' trying. Then I gave up. Please let me know if I were on right track and I should keep trying getting the device into DFU mode.

Any comment will be greatly appreciated.

Upgrading to 5.x is acceptable if 6.x is impossible.

Here is the list of my saved SHSH blobs:
4.3.3, 4.3.4, 4.3.5, 5.0b1, 5.0b2, 5.0b3, 5.1.1, 6.0gm, 6.0.1, 6.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3
TSS Center in Cydia shows:
SHSH: iOS 4.3.3, 4.3.5, 5.1.1, 6.1.3

Added question 1: Do I not have to worry about baseband? (What I have is iPad 2 GSM model.)
Added question 2: I downloaded an older version of redsn0w and it managed to stitch my 5.1.1 blob with official IPSW. Can I upgrade to 5.1.1 with this IPSW and how?

iPad 2 with saved 4.x and 5.1.1 blobs can be upgraded from 4.x to 5.1.1.
The instructions are list here: #12.
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Your answer is already on this forum in about 1 of the 30+ threads about this subject, try reading the forum or search
What kind of research did you do :confused:

on this site alone there are like 200 topics about this in the past 20 days, No you can't upgrade to a specific iOS version.
First of all, English is not my native language. Reading through all forum posts is difficult to me, not to talk about there are many technical terms and concepts.

I've searched the forum and read many of them. I've got some more information. But it's still not clear for me.

Most threads related to upgrading are about iPhone rather than iPad. According to my understanding, there are differences. At least, baseband is one of them. I searched internet and found iPad 2 GSM model doesn't need to worry about baseband since it's factory unlocked. Please confirm my understanding about this.

A lot of threads are discussions and there is no step-by-step tutorials. Some mentioned tutorial on but there is no link. There are lots of tutorials on and it is not easy to find. However, I did manage to find this which seems to be closest related to my situation. But it's about downgrading. There is one post saying that for upgrading, I need saved 4.3.3 blob. I do multiple versions of 4.3.3 blobs, but as I said, neither of the two tools I used to verify the blobs confirm they are valid. So the question remains: Can I use the 4.3.3 blobls I saved to upgrade to 5.1.1?

For those pointing out upgrading is impossible:
I'm not sure if you are talking about upgrading to 6.x is impossible, or even 5.x is impossible. But the reading I've done today suggests that upgrading to 5.1.1 is possible. So I'm still confused.

BTW, upgrading to 5.x is acceptable if 6.x is impossible.

EDIT: I downloaded an older version of redsn0w and it managed to stitch my 5.1.1 blob with official IPSW. Can I upgrade to 5.1.1 with this IPSW and how?

People may be asking the same or similar questions over and over again. This is not their fault. It's because there is no well established page with detailed and easy to understand information for what they search. Even searching and reading through forum won't be 100% helpful because there are so many models of hardware, so many tools, so many concepts and technical terms. So instead of complaining, it'd be better to write a comprehensive document and make it a sticky. It will be much more constructive.
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First of all, English is not my native language. Reading through all forum posts is difficult to me, not to talk about there are many technical terms and concepts.

I've searched the forum and read many of them. I've got some more information. But it's still not clear for me.

Most threads related to upgrading are about iPhone rather than iPad. According to my understanding, there are differences. At least, baseband is one of them. I searched internet and found iPad 2 GSM model doesn't need to worry about baseband since it's factory unlocked. Please confirm my understanding about this.

A lot of threads are discussions and there is no step-by-step tutorials. Some mentioned tutorial on but there is no link. There are lots of tutorials on and it is not easy to find. However, I did manage to find this which seems to be closest related to my situation. But it's about downgrading. There is one post saying that for upgrading, I need saved 4.3.3 blob. I do multiple versions of 4.3.3 blobs, but as I said, neither of the two tools I used to verify the blobs confirm they are valid. So the question remains: Can I use the 4.3.3 blobls I saved to upgrade to 5.1.1?

For those pointing out upgrading is impossible:
I'm not sure if you are talking about upgrading to 6.x is impossible, or even 5.x is impossible. But the reading I've done today suggests that upgrading to 5.1.1 is possible. So I'm still confused.

BTW, upgrading to 5.x is acceptable if 6.x is impossible.

EDIT: I downloaded an older version of redsn0w and it managed to stitch my 5.1.1 blob with official IPSW. Can I upgrade to 5.1.1 with this IPSW and how?

People may be asking the same or similar questions over and over again. This is not their fault. It's because there is no well established page with detailed and easy to understand information for what they search. Even searching and reading through forum won't be 100% helpful because there are so many models of hardware, so many tools, so many concepts and technical terms. So instead of complaining, it'd be better to write a comprehensive document and make it a sticky. It will be much more constructive.

It's not easy to get a sticky. Many people, such as myself having made threads to keep the influx of questions about upgrading/downgrading to a minimum and no mod has stickied it because they love the traffic.
Sorry but there is no way to upgrade or downgrade an iPad 2 to anything other than 6.1.3 right now.

All the SHSH blobs don't matter, because Apple changed the way they verify an iOS install.

Jailbreak sites still recommend that you save SHSH blobs, because there is a chance that some day, some dev will figure out a new way to defeat Apple's verification checks, and if that ever happens, they might become useful again.

But for now, they are useless, and all you can do is install the most current iOS version, or stay with the firmware you have.
Sorry but there is no way to upgrade or downgrade an iPad 2 to anything other than 6.1.3 right now.

All the SHSH blobs don't matter, because Apple changed the way they verify an iOS install.

Are you saying that even the stitched 5.1.1 IPSW is useless?
Are you saying that even the stitched 5.1.1 IPSW is useless?

Huh, okay, I'm not sure, but I found some tutorials on downgrading iPad 2 to iOS 5 from 6. I've never tried this myself, so if you can't figure things out from this tutorial, hopefully someone else can help.

BTW, you never said if you are using Windows or Mac, or did I miss it?
Are you saying that even the stitched 5.1.1 IPSW is useless?

It's ok if english is not your native language, i see you have done some research.

You can use redsn0w to upgrade from 4.3.3 to 5.1.1 and JB with redsn0w.

Download the 5.1.1 IPSW

Make sure the host file on your mac/pc is pointing Apple.
On your mac/pc in your internet browser type it should take you t an Apple place-holder page. If it goes to Cydia you need to edit the host and delete any entry starting with 74.xx.xx

Now go into redsn0w Extras/even more/restore

Select the 5.1.1 IPSW and follow instructions
wHen asked for SHSH/blobs selecte remote or local, you have both.

The restore to 5.1.1 should now succeed.
Thank you all for the help. My device has been upgraded to 5.1.1 successfully.

In order to thank those who helped me, and since this is a hot question asked in many forums many times every month, I'm summarizing how I did it as shown below.

Note that this is just a list of the steps I've done and experienced. You may not experience same thing so you may not have to do the exact steps.

  • Run redsn0w 0.9.15b3
  • Choose: Extras -> Even more -> Restore
  • Click IPSW and select official 5.1.1 IPSW (I have 5.1.1 SHSH blob.)
  • Follow the program's instructions.
  • When it comes to choosing 4.x IPSW, choose official 4.3.3 IPSW (I have 4.3.3 SHSH blob.)
  • When it comes to choosing blobs, choose Remote. (This attempt fails. But I'm not sure if it's because of choosing remote blobs.)
  • The program pops up various messages indicating many things it does. iPad is restarted. A dialog window comes up saying "Couldn't restore" and "Service wouldn't start", with no error code. redsn0w and iTunes consider iPad not connected.
  • attachment.php
  • Long hold Sleep and Home to turn off iPad. Plug it in, iTunes finds iPad in recovery mode.
  • Try "Exit Recovery" feature of TinyUmbrella, redsn0w and RecBoot. None works. The device remains in recovery mode.
  • Search internet and find other people succeeded by retrying multiple times after the same error (Couldn't restore, Service wouldn't start).
  • Redo the restoring process and disregard its preference for the device being in normal mode. It pops up a message box asking "Is this a 5.x to 5.x re-restore?":
  • attachment.php
  • Press No, and follow program's instructions. When it comes to choosing blobs, choose Local. (This attempt succeeds. But again I'm not sure if it's the reason.)
  • Wait for program to progress. There are more messages and more iPad restarts.
  • attachment.php
(The self-made stitched IPSW, generated by redsn0w 0.9.14b2, is not used.)

By the way, jailbreaking with redsn0w failed, showing "Jailbreak failed", "Service wouldn't start (4234)". Then absinthe (2.0.4) worked.


  • CouldnotRestore-ServiceWouldnotStart2.png
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  • done.png
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Hi, are you interested in selling your iPad 2? It has saved SHSH blobs for 4.3.3,4.3.4,4.3.5,5.0,5.1.1,6.0,6.0.1,6.1,6.1.2, and 6.1.3. Thank you!
Hi, are you interested in selling your iPad 2? I know it is not active on this forum since June 19 2013. If you are interested in selling it, I am willing to pay above your price. Thank you very much!
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