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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 23, 2021

My 2019 MacPro is currently running 12.7.2 and I am considering upgrading to Ventura. Just curious if anyone has done so and if so, what has been the experience thus far? Any issues?


(cross posted in the Ventura sub-forum).

My 2019 MacPro is currently running 12.7.2 and I am considering upgrading to Ventura. Just curious if anyone has done so and if so, what has been the experience thus far? Any issues?


(cross posted in the Ventura sub-forum).

I'm finding it pretty stable - currently at 17 days uptime (after a system update) with sleep and wake every night. One thng I did have to do however, was lock out the system's ability to do maintenance while it's supposed to be asleep, by making the power scheduling file permissions unwritable by the system.

Otherwise, the calendar was waking the system through the night to make sure it hadn't moved geographically (to ensure "time to leave" alerts remained valid). The wake wasn't a full wake, so it wasn't initialising the graphics drivers fully (safe mode drivers only support 2 displays) which was messing up my window arrangement across my 3 displays.
System prefs are a disaster. I found Ventura to be the 2nd most unreliable OS I've used after Catalina. Sonoma feels a bit more stable (yet system prefs is still a disaster).

That said, if youre on the latest version of Ventura you'll probably be fine.
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My 2019 MacPro is currently running 12.7.2 and I am considering upgrading to Ventura. Just curious if anyone has done so and if so, what has been the experience thus far? Any issues?


(cross posted in the Ventura sub-forum).
Why? If it ain't broke, don't fix it surely?

Personally, have found both Sonoma & Ventura a PITA (like most Apple OS updates) becuase they have little-to-no regard for 3rd party, pro apps, drivers, plug-ins, VIs etc. Still have a number of problems with that on Sonoma but booting back into Monterey, everything works. YMMV I guess, but first I'd be asking if there really is something in particular you might want in a Ventura or Sonoma update. Otherwise leave it alone & get on with your life vs. Apple's.
I concur if everything is working keep on trucking. I mostly did mine since my new work laptop came with Sonoma, and I wanted them to be on the same OS.

I waited patiently for a suitable AS machine to be released before pestering work for one. Very very happy with the M3 Max. I also wanted to be sure that *most* of the stuff I needed to run was native.
I appreciate everyone's feedback and insight. "Back in the day" I was on the bleeding edge and couldn't wait to update to the latest OS. Now, with everything working, I normally take baby steps with my main box, the 2019 MP. Everything, except the ability to "Share" Numbers projects - requires Ventura (have to go to iCloud to do so) works fine and most importantly, my work-dependent apps and programs are stable.
I'm finding it pretty stable - currently at 17 days uptime (after a system update) with sleep and wake every night. One thng I did have to do however, was lock out the system's ability to do maintenance while it's supposed to be asleep, by making the power scheduling file permissions unwritable by the system.

Otherwise, the calendar was waking the system through the night to make sure it hadn't moved geographically (to ensure "time to leave" alerts remained valid). The wake wasn't a full wake, so it wasn't initialising the graphics drivers fully (safe mode drivers only support 2 displays) which was messing up my window arrangement across my 3 displays.
May I ask how you locked out the maintenance during sleep?

I am now on Ventura with 3 displays and have been having sleep issues. The past two days no issues and the only thing different is I activated ExpressVPN and have left it on - not sure how that would affect sleep?
May I ask how you locked out the maintenance during sleep?

I am now on Ventura with 3 displays and have been having sleep issues. The past two days no issues and the only thing different is I activated ExpressVPN and have left it on - not sure how that would affect sleep?

It's linked in the last post in this thread:

Have a read at the Apple discussions link. Here's the cheatsheet of the commands - but be aware, you need to unlock the schedule before running system updates:

Check Sleep / Wake schedule:

pmset -g sched

Clear Sleep / Wake schedule:

pmset schedule cancelall

Lock Sleep / Wake schedule:

sudo chflags schg /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/

Unlock Sleep / Wake schedule:

sudo chflags noschg /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/

Check Wake reasons:

log show --style syslog | fgrep "Wake reason"
It's linked in the last post in this thread:

Have a read at the Apple discussions link. Here's the cheatsheet of the commands - but be aware, you need to unlock the schedule before running system updates:

Check Sleep / Wake schedule:

pmset -g sched

Clear Sleep / Wake schedule:

pmset schedule cancelall

Lock Sleep / Wake schedule:

sudo chflags schg /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/

Unlock Sleep / Wake schedule:

sudo chflags noschg /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/

Check Wake reasons:

log show --style syslog | fgrep "Wake reason"

I'll also add that I'm using Ohanaware's Sleep Aid to shut down Bluetooth and Wifi when the machine sleeps, because checking message notifications on my phone was waking the computer.
In a much belated follow-up, after certain software was updated for Sonoma, I made the jump yesterday to Sonoma, skipping Ventura (had decided to stay with Monterey for the time being).

On first boot I panicked, I lost wireless keyboard and mouse functionality and none of my external disks mounted (two G-Raid Thunderbolt RAIDs) nor did my external Pegasus R4 and most alarmingly, my 32TB internal Pegasus R4i MPX module RAID. My PCIE OWC NVMe RAID also did not mount. I rebooted and zapped the PRAM and then everything mounted as expected and wireless keyboard and mouse functionality returned (phew!). Everything seems to be humming along nicely for the most part. Only thing that gives me pause is that on a forced/scheduled reboot due to a Parallels update - none of the aforementioned mounted and my wireless mouse and keyboard again did not work. Zapping the PRAM again fixed this - I don't understand they this happened on a normal, scheduled reboot (I did have to update the SoftRAID driver for the OWC NVMe RAID - so hoping this fixed this issue.

The update did fix sharing issues with Numbers (had to log into iCloud to use) as well as syncing with the Music app when adding songs to my library (was previously unable to add songs from the Music app within Monterey).

Just posting as a FYI for those possibly considering the same upgrade path on our beloved 7,1s.
Had to reboot after changing full disk permissions for an app and confirmed that upon reboot, the above mentioned issues returned. Zapping the PRAM once again resolved these issues. No idea what is causing this, but will have to figure it out. <sigh>
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