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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 5, 2008
Penarth, Wales, UK

hi guys.

this is how i naturally wear my watch - upside down or on the underside of my wrist.

can the Apple watch work in this fashion? will the health stuff pick up my vitals in this position? and does it mater if you're left/right handed?
Just tried the watch like that, and it worked out great, it pulls my vitals. To the Psychopath comment, I don't know why this guy does it, other thanhe's driving a lot ? I rotate mine quite frequently when im on my motorcycle ( sports bike ) because it's often times not easy to pull the one hand up to check a map, or see my speed ( GPS Speedometer app ). So i wear it on my wrist when i ride so i can just tild up a bit, i tried it with it on top, but the glare of the sun makes it very hard to read, and I have a very very dark shield, almost black!
It will likely have some negative effects on accelerometer measurements. Changing the Left/Right orientation might help.
thanks guys

yillbs - is this psychopath thing and American thing? i dont drive, but wear my watch under my wrist just out of personal long time preference. thats it. nothing sinister :)
Yillbs - Non-squid here (ha)... use a Ram Mount for your phone on your bike; use any of your preferred apos that way. I never look at my watch while riding, and the engine makes feeling the taptic feedback impossible.
That's how I wear mine and everything works perfectly. I had concerns too before I bought it. Nothing to worry about at all.

hi guys.

this is how i naturally wear my watch - upside down or on the underside of my wrist.

can the Apple watch work in this fashion? will the health stuff pick up my vitals in this position? and does it mater if you're left/right handed?

Only Issue you will have is Wake on Wrist Raise, your AW will not wake properly.
I'd be nervous that this orientation would resulting higher then normal wear and tear, i.e., banging on the desk as you type.
Slightly irrelevant but I had a teacher who always wore a watch like this. He claimed it was the only way to wear on properly because it doesn't make a statement and is easy to check discreetly.

Anyway, if the watch reads your heart rate okay then you shouldn't have any trouble all, do consider though that the watch was never designed to be worn like that and you may notice a few issues using it. Wrist raise being the main one.
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