I am looking to buy a hub and its surprisingly hard to find one that works well with macs without any issues. I plan to use with a Crystalwell 15inch rMBP
I am looking for a 4 port one, but may opt for a 7 port one if it has no issues and isn't a behemoth.
I will most likely plug in:
1. a USB mouse
2. iPhone (charge, sync)
3. occasionally a printer
4. occasionally a card reader
5. occasionally a WD mypassport HDD.
6. Occasionally flash drives.
So anyone know a good hub that can work with the above devices without dying and flaking?
I am looking for a 4 port one, but may opt for a 7 port one if it has no issues and isn't a behemoth.
I will most likely plug in:
1. a USB mouse
2. iPhone (charge, sync)
3. occasionally a printer
4. occasionally a card reader
5. occasionally a WD mypassport HDD.
6. Occasionally flash drives.
So anyone know a good hub that can work with the above devices without dying and flaking?