Hello everyone. I have a 21.5 "mid 2011 iMac with OS 10.13.6 (the latest installable). I have a problem with the non-optimal functioning of a USB audio interface and precisely a Behringer UMC202HD. From what is indicated by the manufacturer's indications this external device does not require the installation of specific drivers when connected to a MAC because it provides optimal results by interfacing with the CORE AUDIO which, as far as I know, are part of the OS of the MAC. In my case, on the other hand, the performance is, with regard to latency, decidedly disappointing (more than 10 ms) while if it is connected to a PC with WIN 10 and with the specific drivers, the value is only 4 ms. I had the doubt that in my iMAC the CORE AUDIO drivers are no longer present because perhaps they were accidentally uninstalled in the past or that they are present but in an outdated version. I have tried in vain to "find" them in the various folders of the MAC but evidently if there are they have hidden them well, to the point that even by contacting Apple's assistance by phone I have not been able to have exact indications. At this point I ask you if anyone knows exactly how their presence can be verified by arriving at the folder that contains them. The second thing I would like to know is if the version of the Core Audio of the latest OS can be different from that of 10.13.6. Thanks a lot.