I've scoured the internet for a USB-C mouse. At this point it's like looking for Bigfoot. I hoped I could choose from either wireless or wired, by design or brand. I understood there wouldn't be a large selection, but surely a few companies are producing these.
I know, I know. "Get a dock or dongle!" I can hear it now. Though I'd prefer to avoid this if possible. Below is the only USB-C mouse I could find and I hope it's not the only one.
Mini Optical Travel Mouse for USB-C Devices, Black 99235 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FXDVNU4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_Wh8gybHBTEMF0
Anyone know of any USB-C mice?
I know, I know. "Get a dock or dongle!" I can hear it now. Though I'd prefer to avoid this if possible. Below is the only USB-C mouse I could find and I hope it's not the only one.
Mini Optical Travel Mouse for USB-C Devices, Black 99235 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FXDVNU4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_Wh8gybHBTEMF0
Anyone know of any USB-C mice?
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