On windows it just shows as a drive. The problem isn't lack of s/w to sych or whatever, it just doesn't appear anywhere on the Mac. Ditto the h/s which is more of an issue.
OK, found a similar post. Looks like it is found but not working. :
USB Ear-Microphone:
Product ID: 0x202a
Vendor ID: 0x05e1 (Syntek Design Technology Inc.)
Version: 1.00
Serial Number: 0000000001
Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
Location ID: 0x14100000 / 10
Current Available (mA): 1000
Extra Operating Current (mA): 0
It's described as working on OSx - maybe not El Cap though!
No, not in any of the audio device lists
Not in the Disk Util window, nor listed in 'Sys Report > USB'