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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 31, 2008
I have a 2016 MBP and have been considering downsizing to a MBA for a little while. The new one looks very appealing, especially with the new keyboard. What worries me is going from 4 thunderbolt ports to 2. When I went to the USBC Mac I went all in. I have been buying only USBC cables for all of my stuff for the last 3 years. I use a HooToo USBC dock for my power/monitor/SD card reader. Are there any basic hubs for turning 1 USBC into 4 like there was for USBA?. Sometimes I like to plug in multiple hard drives and my iOS devices (via USBC cables) and don't really want to go back to using USBA cables.

Erehy Dobon

Feb 16, 2018
No service
I'm pretty sure I recently saw something like this at Amazon.

Rather than play human search engine for you, I'll leave it to you to put in a modicum of effort.

Best of luck.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 31, 2008
Wow, I must be stupid or lazy. Why not both! I spent about 10 hours searching for something like this over the last year. All I can come up with is various docks that give you multiple USBA ports. It's way easier to search the web (and Amazon) rather than posting here.
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macrumors 603
Jan 20, 2010
Wow, I must be stupid or lazy. Why not both! I spent about 10 hours searching for something like this over the last year. All I can come up with is various docks that give you multiple USBA ports. It's way easier to search the web (and Amazon) rather than posting here.

Unfortunately this is about the closest thing I can find, which will satisfy the requirement, but it's bulky and ugly (IMO).

It's kind of interesting someone hasn't made a USB C to 4 port basic/traditional style USB hub yet (maybe there's some reason?). Those USB C headphone splitters don't count.
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macrumors 6502
Apr 9, 2011
Independence, MO
For my 16" MBP I use the Dell WD19TB at work and have the CalDigit Thunderbolt Station 3+ at home. I ordered the new MBA and will update how these both work with it. The Caldigit has more USBC connections but I think it only has 3. But I have it at home for my photography hobby since it has the sd card reader built in.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 31, 2008
Thank you troop231. It is ugly, and not very portable but it would work. I have searched a lot but never really found anything like it. Hasn't been an issue until now. That i5 2020 MBA looks very appealing to me.


macrumors 603
Jan 20, 2010
For my 16" MBP I use the Dell WD19TB at work and have the CalDigit Thunderbolt Station 3+ at home. I ordered the new MBA and will update how these both work with it. The Caldigit has more USBC connections but I think it only has 3. But I have it at home for my photography hobby since it has the sd card reader built in.

Off topic, but how does that CalDigit handle clamshell mode? I was looking at the TS3 plus, or the pro dock model but haven't seen reviews mention how seamless clamshell mode is for either of these two CalDigit docks.

The biggest thing for me is not having to unplug the dock or open the lid if I want to restart the computer with my external displays attached.

With my 2013 15" rMBP (no dock) I have to keep the lid open while I do a restart otherwise the displays don't get enumerated properly for HiDPI; I can then close the lid once the restart is finished, but it's annoying and I want to upgrade to a newer laptop with a TB3 dock. The displays are directly connected to both TB2 ports on my rMBP.
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macrumors 6502
Apr 9, 2011
Independence, MO
Off topic, but how does that CalDigit handle clamshell mode? I was looking at the TS3 plus, or the pro dock model but haven't seen reviews mention how seamless clamshell mode is for either of these two CalDigit docks.

The biggest thing for me is not having to unplug the dock or open the lid if I want to restart the computer with my external displays attached.

With my 2013 15" rMBP (no dock) I have to keep the lid open while I do a restart otherwise the displays don't get enumerated properly for HiDPI; I can then close the lid once the restart is finished, but it's annoying and I want to upgrade to a newer laptop with a TB3 dock. The displays are directly connected to both TB2 ports on my rMBP.

The CalDigit handles it better than the Dell dock. I can leave it in clamshell mode and wake up the laptop with the mouse or keyboard. The only issue is that the screen that is connected via USB-c wont wake up. I have to hit the power button to stir it from it's slumber, but a minor inconvenience.


macrumors newbie
Nov 9, 2018
I'm looking for the exact same thing. I've been scouring Amazon and Ebay but haven't found anything so far. I've got two ports on my 2018 MBA, but only one if I want power. If I had three (or four) things would be much more convenient. It seems mad that my only real option is to revert to USB-A cables plugged into a USB-C -> USB-A hub.


macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2019
I recall looking for this while evaluating a different purchase some months back, and the Wirecutter article on Thunderbolt docks is a decent summary of what's really out there on the market which you might have already seen. Unfortunately, the multi-Type-C-port hub has not seemed to have emerged yet, which is too bad since most Thunderbolt docks are overpowered for what your need is -- and what I'll hazard most people's needs will be once we move to USB-Type-C more widely. If I had to make a bet, I'd guess next year we might see it, now that iPhone wall warts are USB-C.
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