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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 12, 2012
I figure the answer is probably no but wondering if there is a way to use my 2015 iMac (27”) as a monitor for a new m1 Mac mini?
Hello! You absolutely can, depending on whether you feel comfortable modding the device or not. An iMac's screen isn't special and so just like any other screens you can buy a controller board for it. The controller acts as an intermediary between the monitor and whatever you plug into it. To mount the board in a way that you can easily get to the display ports, the power button, and the menu/settings button will require dremeling the casing of the iMac a bit. I'm debating whether to do this or not to my current iMac or just sell it for a another monitor. I'm tempted to because the dang casing and screen are so beautiful!
As is, no. There are some threads on modifying it basically turning it into a display, but it is not for the novice and basically you lose the ability to use at as a standalone computer anymore. I think someone was working on a mod that would make it more of a switch, but lost track of that.
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