It's really worth investing in one of those Lightning OTG USB sticks like the Sandisk mentioned earlier if you need to transfer files to and from your iOS devices. There are lot of unknown 'Shanzai' companies that make these OTG drives as seen on eBay, Amazon etc, but I would wanna stick with one of the better known brands. Apart from Sandisk, Leef are another company that produce these OTG sticks. Lexar makes a different type that takes Micro SD cards, which is really handy for getting footage from cameras, dashcams etc.
These adaptors all tend to work in a similar fashion, requiring the use of their own proprietary app. Most are really easy to use - plug the USB into your Mac or PC. Drag the files onto the stick. Unmount the stick and plug into the Lightning port. Open the app and then you should be able to see the file and play or view the file within the app if it is one of the supported formats.
If the file isn't supported with the proprietary app but you have another app which can read the file, then you can try the 'Open in' option by selecting the file and using the Action/Share icon (box with upwards arrow) to open the file with the other app. I use this function a lot to transfer PDFs to Goodreader and to get ePUBs into iBooks.