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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 10, 2012
Mods - I am trying to post here due to the expertise with older software and machines in this forum and the fact that its closer in age to PPC then newer Macbooks

Hi everyone

I have a Macbook 2006 2ghz core duo I picked up for cheap and wanted to find some possible use for it. It is running Snow Leopard and cannot use 64bit programs which greatly hinders it for modern uses. Any ideas?
Just treat it like its a PPC iBook or something... (that or find a way to BGA solder a Core 2 Duo in place of the core duo LOL) IRC firefox for OS X is still 32 bit compatible maybe the tenforfox tweaks will even work with it but don't hold me to it...
It'll run Snow Leopard and Lion era Apps just fine, lack of 64-bit isn't a major issue. Universal binaries of the period were 32-bit PowerPC, 32-bit x86, 64-bit PowerPC, and 64-bit x86 (or x64 or AMD64 or whatever you want to call it!).

32-bit Intel got deprecated with OS X 10.8.

Biggest limitation is the 2GB RAM limit.
I'm surviving just fine with my 32bit Core Duo 17" 2006 MBP running Snow Leopard. :D

It's replaced my other 17" PowerBook and I use it at home and at Starbucks on the weekends while my 17" PowerBook goes with me to work.

Oh…this post was typed in Firefox 39. :D
Thanks for the replies. I am more wondering just what use this could have in my setup. Currently in my setup I use both an imac mid 2007 running 10.8/Windows 7 and a Mac Pro 1.1 running osx 10.6-10.10. The macbook in question has a dead battery and a broken hinge so keeping the screen up is a balancing act. I was going to install kodi on it but it isn't supported anymore. Any uses anyone can think of?
I was going to say as intended - a laptop. But if the hinge is broken then that makes it difficult to transport.

In this instance then I might find some longterm task that it's suitable for, place it in a corner somewhere and let it run.

For instance, I had Time Machine external hard drives connected to an old iBook G3 once. It sat off in a corner on a tall computer stand behind some stereo equipment and just did it's thing - sharing the TM drives.

Something like that.
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1. Use it as a Jukebox.

2. Recipe looker-upper in the kitchen.

3. Hold 10.6 on there as a way to use old PowerPC apps and games.

I'm sure I could come up with more if I really thought about it.
Well, you could always toss out OS X and solely use Windows (or do boot camp if you still want OS X). With the proper drivers, it will be a decent Windows Computer, which would be Win 10 capable.
If I had an older MB just sitting around it would probably be sitting on top of my laptop stack which consists of a 15" Mid 2009 MBP, a 1GHz 15" PB, and a 1.5GHz 12" PB.

Just kidding. I would hook it up to a external monitor and use it like a mini for some things like web browsing, spotify, mactracker, just an extra computer to use that is on 24/7 if you need it.
If I had an older MB just sitting around it would probably be sitting on top of my laptop stack which consists of a 15" Mid 2009 MBP, a 1GHz 15" PB, and a 1.5GHz 12" PB.

Just kidding. I would hook it up to a external monitor and use it like a mini for some things like web browsing, spotify, mactracker, just an extra computer to use that is on 24/7 if you need it.

If you aren't using the 2009 MBP or 12in PB, I know someone who would love to take one off your hands and bring it into the Gamer9430 home for neglected computers :D
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I am thinking of using it as an extra machine connected to an external monitor like a mini for Snow Leopard uses. The wifi card was toast so I just replaced that last night for free. The hinge on the left side is broken within the screen assembly on the bottom so I'd have to change screens which I'm not prepared to spend the cash on. I have a battery coming from eBay from a seller I bought some from in the past, cheap batteries that aren't great but they are shipping me another one to compensate for a bad one. Should be an interesting look as the batteries are white and this is a blackbook! this battery will just ensure the system doesn't shut off immediately should the mag safe fall off.
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